Thoughts from a Humble Homesteader: Think Small. Look at What Thinking Big Has Done.


I watched a documentary recently called "The New Alchemists". It profiles a community engaged in developing sustainable living methods, including food production and small-scale solar and wind technology, in the 1970's. Well before sustainability was a mainstream concern, this group was working on creating a vision of a greener, kinder world.

Think small," say the New Alchemists. "Look what thinking big has done.

In a way that simple statement sums up why we are homesteaders. We've seen the direction that the world is going and we don't like it.

We can scream from the rooftops about the problems with GMO foods, pesticides, Nestle,factory farming, child labour, deforestation and so on. The problem is that very few people are listening and they get awfully tired of you talking about unpleasant things after a while. Eventually the passionate protester becomes dis-enchanted with ... everything.

What can we do? How do we effect change?

Think small. That's what we can do.

Whatever your passions and beliefs you can incorporate them into YOUR life. Spit on Monsanto by growing organic heirloom vegetables. Boycott Nestle and the fifty other companies they own by supporting small businesses instead or by making it yourself. Raise animals with compassion (or buy meat from farmers who do). Tell the beauty industry that they suck by making your own skin and beauty products or purchase all natural from smaller companies that have good values.

Thinking small sounds really good eh?

You can nurture the land around you, whether its an acreage or small garden box on your balcony. This helps the bees and butterflies and creates a more beautiful world. You can reduce our consumption and footprint by preserving food, using reusable packaging, being frugal with our energy utilization and not being such a consumer! There are so many small things that you CAN do.

Think small.

Follow me @walkerland

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