Embarrassment on the homestead.

This is a hard one!....

I have a tendency to equate embarrassment with failure'
A concept we abandoned some time ago in regards to this way of life.

Were in uncharted territory, if not historical at lest personally.

Homesteading is only limited by ones creativity. There are numerous facets available.
Each one fraught with its own attended risks and learning curves.

We have never failed at any given point...Only learned.

Embarrassment comes only when an expected outcome dose not.

We have learned to expect nothing because even after two years its all still very new to us,
and we cant see the ends to even the straightest road.

I was thinking on this last night while doing a bit of smithing.
I wanted to answer this challenge but was unsure how,

then it hit me, the tiniest but of embarrassment dose still exist, and while i will try to banish it in time..
For now its with me,

I feel ever so faintly it each morning when i step out of the house and each night as I lay to bed.

The embarrassment of not taking this step sooner in my life.
This was not the end I foresaw as a kid because we were not exposed to the possibility of it as beaing more then a hobby.

I did not have the wisdom I do now, and fought the coarse of my life willing it to be something it was not meant to be.
And in doing so robed myself and my wife of years that could have spent happily homesteading.


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