Steemit HomesteadingChallenge #6 Favorite Homesteading Source Of Knowledge

Homesteading was not exactly "in my blood." I was born and raised in the suburbs of Cincinnati, a midwest pharmacist's daughter. If you got that joke you know we are both fossils... :) How I came to be a chicken rancher with a Holstein milk dog is quite a lengthy tale, one about twelve years long now. Fortunately, this article is not that story, just a story of how I managed to pull it off. Well, sort of pull it off at least!

I could not have done it without the internet. As a single source of knowledge, I was graced with being born in the right time to get just a dandy tool. I took my permaculture courses online, I used my online editing software to do the design for my property, I still run to backyardchickens every time a hen looks "not right" to me, and if not for the "Keepingafamilycow" forum I do not know if Bessie would have made it all these years. I truly had NO CLUE what to do with a cow when I got her. I want to brag a little here... on that forum a Mrs. Smitho and I started a discussion about fodder feeding. It became legendary, it is probably STILL one of the hottest topics there. Me, I did that. :) Me and Mrs. Smitho. :)

Some of the best tips have been picked up in the oddest of places. It was on a political website that I learned about permaculture, and Sepp Holzer and Joel Salatin. That conversation led to discussions about aquaponics and Murray Halem. Most of the people in my "gardening" circle now are former political allies. Most agree politicians are most useful when they become fertilizer, but I digress.

I sense this challenge is about helping other homesteaders stock a library, or buy a nice gift for a fellow homesteader. I bet most everyone on here has heard of the internet already... Let me narrow it down a little more, then. The most well worn and crinkled book on the shelf is probably "Gaia's Garden." The companion planting guide is indispensable for planning your guilds. The book is generously and beautifully illustrated. The author makes the information flow like a story, but it is the story of making harmonious gardens. If you are not familiar with companion planting, you are going to LOVE this information, it is truly revolutionary. Even those of us pretty well versed on the topic appreciate the easy to use layout of the various guides offered. You will read it once, then reach for it over and over for the rest of your life. Written by Toby Hemenway, it is truly a "must have" book!

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