...of all it represents and brings to our lives.
I'm not getting philosophical on you here, I'm pretty much a realist and one to tell things like they are. Sometimes this gets me into trouble. Oh well, it happens (see... I told you).
I view homesteading as a descriptive term acting as the hub of a greater network of values.... or, as Beryllium... I'll explain that in a minute. But first...
My Definition of Homesteading
Homesteading cannot be put into a neat little box. It is not a shopping list or a level in a game with specific tasks to be done before reaching it. You can be a homesteader on 50 acres or in a city apartment. The home doesn't make the homesteader... the homesteader does!
Instead, homesteading is a mindset. A way of looking at the world and choosing to behave in a way that is more independent, nurturing, and responsible rather than dependent, consuming, and selfish.
Originally I only picked this element because it matched with my graphic below illustrating my point of a center nucleus and four electrons around it. However, as I read about it on Wikipedia, there were some terms that could be applied to Homesteading as well...
"...improves many physical properties when added..."
"...tools made... are stronger..."
"...desirable... for use in outer space..."
Okay, so I was reaching for a correlation in that last one.. but c'mon...
Alright, here's my graphic that I'm going to expand upon further. As you can see, I put Homesteading at the center and alliteratively added four categories around it to talk about.
Everything about a homestead is educational. You're surrounded in an environment where you are learning new things, doing new things, and repeating.
For children especially, a homestead can be a sea of knowledge and learning. Parents will find no better classroom to cultivate and nurture their child in. We have two boys, with the eldest starting homeschool later this year. In the limited time we've been at our homestead, it is amazing all the things he as learned that he otherwise would not have been exposed to. My boys' foundation's in life will be so much broader than mine was. The thought of all the good this will do for them in their life is a huge motivator by itself!
The educational merits don't stop at the children, rather, it could be said they start with the adults! Unless you grew up on a complete nirvana of a homestead, you're going to have things to learn. New projects, animals, gardens, technology, etc. The list goes on and on!
I have yet to see a millionaire homesteader. If you're out there, fly me to your place so I can redact this statement. Then adopt me.
Most homesteaders are of the financial means to always appreciate and welcome ways to save money. I also think it's kind of at the core values of a homestead to try and be as economical as possible.
Even if economy is not a forerunner in one's mind, the practices and lifestyle of a homesteader inherently lean towards it. Reusing plants to become compost and new soil, having animals eat your food waste to then become your food, saving your seeds from vegetables you grow to then grow again next year. These are just a few ways that a homestead naturally revolves on itself. Once you see the costs of things, it may even become a personal challenge to reduce your costs every where you can. Go for it!
Now wait a minute... a homestead is not cheap!
I agree with you... a homestead is not cheap! However, for every financial challenge there is almost always a practical workaround to come out cheaper or in an alternate way. Barns can be built from recycled materials, animals can be found for free or cheap, compost can be made from natural debris and your own pee! If you're creative, patient, and hard-working there is nothing you can't accomplish at a great savings.
You will gain experience with each challenge you face on a homestead; whether or not you succeed at it. Perseverance will provide successes, success gives confidence, and confidence is empowering to take on your next challenge!
There's never a boring moment on a homestead, no matter how small it is. Especially if you follow the words of Mary Poppins:
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and snap! The job's a game."
Working in a garden, building something for a project, feeding your farm critters, or checking on your off grid resources. You can find enjoyment in maintaining your homestead and getting a sense of satisfaction from the fruits of your labor. If those don't cut it, just give it time. Something crazy will happen and entertain you one way or another. Just go ask @farmstead about her quail!
If You Take One Thing Away From This Post
You will be faced with so many things that you have no idea about. Whether new animals, problems with the garden, how to preserve food, how to get off grid, or one of one billion other things that a homestead may have; you must be able to research, seek out, learn, and tech yourself.
Online resources such as Steemit, Google and YouTube are great for a fast answer. Paper references are just as important to have, too. Thrift stores such as Goodwill or Salvation Army are wonderful places to pick up books for cheap. We have found many great homestead resources for less than $2.00 a piece as such places. If nothing else, your local library would also work.
We are surrounded with knowledge in this modern age. We must know how to glean what we want from it!
Where Do I Go from Here
Right to Smash that Upvote Button!!!
I'm just kidding.. well, not really.
But seriously... You're already in a great place! Steemit has a ton of homesteaders and gardeners actively sharing their knowledge, and more are joining with each day! Do a search for anything you're interested in, odds are you will find it here.
Thanks to @kiaraantonoviche and her most recent #homesteadingchallenge named Steemit "HomesteadingChallenge" #1 - Theme Announcement and Rules - SBD Reward for Winner! This is my entry into her contest... as well as another awesome post for you all.