Homesteading Challenge #2- Funny Experience

My most embarrassing homesteading moment occurred several years ago, and it happened when we just started getting into raising cows. To give a quick backstory, we were wanting to get some cows that we could eventually milk. So, we went to a local dairy and picked up two bottle calves. We kind of put the cart before the horse because we had not gotten our pasture
ready for the cows yet. We would walk them from our barn to small pens that we would move around our yard.

Now, we get to the embarrassing part. These calves were no more than a couple of months old and I thought that they probably had the routine down by now. Well, on this day I gave one of them a little more slack in the leash we were walking them with. Big mistake!

The calf took this extra freedom, and bolted. It caught me off guard and I lost my balance. So, I went face first into the dirt and I made the next mistake of holding onto the leash. At that point, the calf began to drag me for a few feet before I decided to let go.

It would be really easy to say the story ended there, but unfortunately for me, it did not. I quickly picked myself up and tried to brush the debris off of my freshly grass-stained pants, so that I could go and try to get some help to catch this calf. With some extra help and some time running around the big yard, we were eventually able to round up the calf and get her into the pen.

Needless to say that I have learned my lesson from this embarrassing moment. Now whenever there is a leash and an animal involved, I always make sure to not give a lot of extra slack. Unfortunately, it all happened so fast that no one would have been able to take pictures of it actually happening, but I do have pictures of said cows.



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