"Homesteading Challenge" #3!

Hello Everyone!
I am so happy and excited to be apart of a very fun Homesteading Challenge! This challenge is set up by @kiaraantonoviche and the whole goal is to help bring homesteading people together in go old fashion competition. All we have to do for this #homesteadingchallenge is share some photos of your favorite animal and tell why it is your favorite out of all the others! Don’t forget to put #homesteadingchallenge in your article and put it in your tags!

Let me introduce to you our favorite chicken on the homestead! This is spike and he is our Polish Chicken! We were contacted by a person that watches our Youtube channel and asked if we would like to have their chickens. Sadly they were giving up their dreams because being off grid and a homesteader in the Ozarks was just to much for them. We were told that if we didn’t want them then they would just dispatch them and be done with it. We did not want to see any animal be killed for no reason so we told them yes we would take them. When we showed up to get the chickens that we were told were 2 week old Black Australorp Chickens that’s when we seen him! This cute little guy that had the whitest little puff on top of his head! I have never seen a chicken like this in all of my life!

We are so happy that he is apart of our family! He has really made him self at home and he helps keep every thing running smoothly on the homestead. He has taken it upon him self to help us with the feeding chores we have here by following us around to make sure everyone gets their fair share! Then at the end of the day he likes to set up on our laps to get love from every one and when he is done he even puts him self up in the coop! We are so lucky to have spike in our lives today I can’t see us with out him today. Spike is going to be able to live out all of his days here and he knows he will always have a safe and happy life here with us.

Thank you so much for allowing us to share our special little buddy with you! We even told him that we were going to put him on the internet. He seemed very happy with that LOL!

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