Great Minds,

This is a challenge but it is actually an opportunity to reminiscent on my very source of homesteading lifestyle. In fact I am thrilled by this contest. So my own source of knowledge and the very strength, the idea behind my growing homesteading is basically my parents, my Dad to be specific. His Lifestyle and persistent instructions when I was still living with them and under their tutelage did the miraculous.

Here is the story:
My Dad has one statement that he held unto so dear and ensure that that statement sank into me, as in buried inside me so much that it reechoed in me every time. you may be wondering what this phrase or statement is. well here is it:

"Dislike Free things" This is immediately followed by another one that is similar to it, "Don't go after cheap things".

My Dad preaches this to me virtually every day, he told me that nothing in this life is free. And that every seemingly free thing is like bait to lure you in and strike and strike very hard. There is always an hidden agenda that is not made known immediate until you are in he posited. He also emphasized same with cheap items, that it is either that a cheap item is fake or of low quality and that in the long run you MUST (according to My Dad) pay higher.

He advised me to ensure I pay the right price for anything I am going for. I should avoid short cut and work hard to get what I want at any point. he encouraged me to work hard and harder. He said the reward for work is the true value and what will give you joy and make you live happily longer.

He did not just said these things, my Dad lived it out. He was hardworking and lived a homesteading lifestyle. My family house was surrounded with farm and livestock. we produced virtually all the food we needed. we had dogs, goats, sheep, ducks and fowl that we were rearing. My Dad also fished with different fishing nets. We had cassava farms and also planted yams. We never lacked food.


This became My inspiration now that I have my own family, I strive to live a homesteading lifestyle. The words of my Dad rings in me every day. And in it I draw so much strength. I am making so much progress in my homesteading all thanks to my Dad's words of wisdom that is working wonders. I try to produce most of the things we used by ourselves. we planted farm and also rear animals.

Thank you for this opportunity, I am so happy now. In fact I am always so excited each time I get to share this information and Knowledge.

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