My Most Embarrassing Homesteading Story... I SHOULD Have Known the Difference!

Have you ever experienced a moment in life where you realize you overlooked some pretty big clues and feel pretty dumb about it? Well here is my story leading up to my embarrassing mistake!

Response to @kiaraantonoviche Homesteading Challenge #2:

So it started out on a beautiful fall day! We were going to the Local County Fair! There were so many different animals to see, from farm animals to exotic petting zoo! We can't forget the yummy junk food, funnel cake is my weakness! We got to watch a 4-H goat show and see all the winning ribbons on the poultry! We had a blast, watch a little if you want below!

What happens at the end of that Day at the Fair is where the story really starts to get interesting! You see, we had been trying to get some fertile quail eggs so we could hatch them and start our own breeding program. There is high demand for quail eggs! We could sell to all the chefs and restaurants!

At the fair, there was a huge display of day old Quail! I oohed and aahed over them! I joked to Ryan that I wish they were for sale! The boy next to us said, "They are for sale at .50 cents each!"! We jumped on that! $10 spent and 20 quail babies going home with us! We called it Ryan's Birthday Present that was a week away!


So we knew quail grew very fast and would be laying eggs as soon as 8 weeks! We loved watching them grow and change! There are different kinds of quail and they look a little different as they grow up. We failed to ask what kind we bought but it didn't really matter because they all lay eggs right!? Well soon the feathers were in and I was so excited because they were so pretty! I never knew quail could be so pretty! I mean look at them!


So now I started getting curious what type of quail they actually were? They are so pretty but still not laying any eggs. So I went to Google images and searched "quail". I saw nothing that looked like ours! Hmmm, that's strange... Then what do I have here!? They were quail when I bought them! So I searched "quail like bird". BAM!!! There they were! NOT QUAIL at all BUT Chukar Partridge!? WHAT!!!???

All this time I just thought I had some pretty variety of quail! I felt so dumb! I had been talking about my quail in my daily vlog on youtube and now I had to confess to my viewers... That was a hard pill to swallow, to admit how I had been wrong all along! HOW EMBARRASSING!!!

Thank you for reading and watching Wholesome Roots!


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