Weekly Homestead Photography Contest Winners & New Theme

Well, another week has come and gone and it is time to announce the winners of the weekly Homestead Photography Contest. This week we had a total of 7 entries to the contest and I enjoyed looking/reading all of them. All offered something different and I am looking forward to seeing the projects unfold over the course of the next year. Also, please stay tuned, at the end of the post I will give the theme for this next week. So without further ado here are the 1st and 2nd place winners.

Homesteading Photography Contest - Winners.png

The winner of this weeks theme, Homesteads Bringing In The New Year, is… @otterbeme. They have won 1 sbd.


Second place this week goes to @brimwoodfarm. He has won .5 sbd.


I would like to thank all of the entries. They were all great! Congratulations to the winners and I will try to get the winnings transferred by the end of the day or tomorrow.

Now, for next week’s theme. The theme is Landscapes On The Homestead. I will leave this one broad, but that it has to be a landscape related to your homestead in some way. You can include buildings, trees/other plants, or hills. It is up to you. As with the other contests, 50% of the liquid sbd will be given to the winner and 25% will be given to the second place winner after the post payout.

The rules are:

  1. One entry per person
  2. Upvote this post to increase the rewards for the winners (not required, but a resteem would be appreciated)
  3. Please use #homesteadphotography as one of your tags and leave a link in the comments below
  4. You will have until this post pays out to get in your entries

I look forward to seeing your pictures and entries, Good Luck!

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