Homestead & Gardening Bucket List

Homestead & Gardening Bucket List

We've all had a wish list. Remember when you were a kid, depending on your age, and the Sears Wish List Catalog was delivered to your house in late fall? Remember turning every page and seeing all the toys. You dreamed about that Lego set, or maybe it was the Barbie Dream House. Well, it was all in there. Every last square block of building blocks. Every accessory for the pink Corvette. All at your fingertips.

I've grown up, given up on getting an Easy Bake Oven under the Christmas Tree. Given up on unwrapping a present that held a gift on the page of that catalog that I had dog-earred and circled the item with a black marker. But just because I have given up, doesn't mean I still don't have a wish list; but now I refer to it as my Bucket List. You know, all the things you want to accomplish before your number is called.

So on this Saturday morning, I thought I'd share with you my Homestead and Garden Bucket List.

Rain Collection System and Barrels

Earlier picture from this summer with the two FREE 50-gallon pickle barrels I had picked up with the intention of making a rain collection system

Sad things is, these are still in the same spot as when I had taken the picture two months ago. Only this morning it's a tad chilly to go outside and snap a new picture.
I have grandiose plans to make these two barrels into a rain collection system using the rain run-off from my gutters and an old window screen. We have to pay for our municipal water (as we live on the edge of the community) and I am tired of paying for something that is free to water my herbs in the greenhouse and the rest of my garden. God has provided me with water and rain, but some days I need extra or we have a few dry days that doesn't give enough to the plants.

Pallets and An Outdoor Gardening Table

I saw on a recent visit to a local home improvement store a nice, sturdy work bench that would be perfect for my outdoors gardening table. A place where I can transplant seedlings, propagate plants and just have an all-around work station when I need to so I don't have to stoop over. Only problem is, it costs about $100. Being cheap and frugal, I think I can make a nice comparison one out of old wood pallets that I have to gather up.

Do you know how difficult it is to find decent pallets that companies are either giving away or asking a nominal price for? VERY!

Bigger Greenhouse and Delightful Herb Garden


Right now my herb and starter greenhouse is a small one that I bought to see how well I could grow seedlings, harden seedlings and turn into a place to keep my annual herbs for the summer season. I didn't want to spend a lot of money, just in case it didn't work out. But it has much to my delight! So, now I want to expand the greenhouse. Either buy a second one or just purchase a larger, more permanent one.

I have added so many herbs and perennial flowers to my front flower bed, which I have renamed the Herb Place, and am wishing to be able to grow more. I have already planned out my season's garden and herb garden, and have more than I ever thought I would grow ready to set up. Now, I just have to figure out where to get the seedlings a place to sit until they are ready to go in the ground. Yes, I also want to keep some in pots and containers; hence, knowing I will need more shelves and space in a greenhouse.

I have the Herb Place all sketched out as to where my new perennial additions will be planted next season and I am envisioning a lush herb garden filled with wondrous herbs, flowers and plants. The kind I have seen others posting and I get so excited thinking I can do that too.

What's On Your Homestead and Garden Bucket List

Now, some of you reading this may already have my Bucket List items completed, but I'm sure you have your own ideas of what would be on your Bucket List. Please share... you never know who else may be thinking the same thing.


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