Weekly Obligatory Chicken Post

Dinner Time!

This week I experimented by giving the chickens yogurt. They loved it. Ate it right up. Did it help with egg production? Nope. Not one egg. Last week we gave them a chicken mineral and protein block. They've been tearing into it. Still...no eggs.

Loretta didn't lay any eggs either, even though she enjoyed the yogurt too.

Pigeon, and in front of her is the chicken mineral and protein block we gave them last week.


Above is Loudmouth. Would someone like to give some guesses as to her breed? I don't remember what we were told when she was a chick. Help would be greatly appreciated! She used to lay large, brown eggs. She was very reliable for two years until the day we brought the rooster, Foghorn, home. None of our younger chickens are from her because she literally stopped.

Another shot of Loudmouth.


We also let the chickens out of their pen for the afternoon one day. Where did they go when roosting time came? The older chickens all happily slept in their coop. The younger ones? Into the stinking trees!!! We had to shake them down and carry them to the coop. They've been sleeping in their coops for over two weeks. You'd think they'd be used to it by now! Ugh!!! So now the husband doesn't want to let them out. I think if they want to sleep in the trees, let them. They're safe from predators as high as they go. As long as they lay in the nest boxes (which they aren't old enough yet), let them roost wherever they want.




The chickens also got to enjoy some overripe tomatoes I kept on the counter too long. They go nuts over tomatoes. At first, the younger ones were scared of me tossing things to them. Now they eagerly come running to inspect what I've pitched out next!




That's Lady in the lower left corner.

I hope you enjoyed this chicken update. Tomorrow is Chicken Shit Sunday! Get your chicken shit photos to me ASAP! You can post them here in the comments, make your own post tagging chickenshitsunday, or DM me on the Steemit Homesteading group on Slack.

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