Defining the Honest Politician


Politicians and politics...

Prostitutes and brothels...

Some consider the parallel valid.

Many consider politics to be dirty...

...and in fairness, politics as we know it 'is' dirty.


But need politics be dirty?

We live in an age where asking this question might have peoples' eyes glaze over as their minds write oneself off as being naive. After all - how can one possibly conceive of a future where politics is not dirty without extracting any effort at realism in the process?

And yet, just because something has always been marred in scandals, deception and empty promises - this need not mean that it is beyond the realm of possibility for a prevailing instance of redemption to arise - a cleaning of the slate.

In the context of politics one could blame either the system or the actors for the current state of affairs - and in fairness I would say that both should carry their own portion of blame.


I shall be focusing upon the individual.

There is a reason that I mention 'individual' rather than 'politician'.

Politicians tend to be individuals while some individuals are politicians.

Individuals repeatedly prove over history that they are not necessarily limited to their circumstances. Even during times of scarcity or war one always finds individuals who behave above and beyond the level of survivalism-inducing circumstances surrounding them. Noble spirits who shine a light in an otherwise dark expanse.


What Does This Have to do With Politics?

As individuals can exist above and beyond the circumstances of adverse situations - so too can individual politicians choose to exist above and beyond the political climate.

Many do not... but that can change. One individual at a time.

So... how can an individual politician actually go about this?

How does one simply become 'less dirty'?


Well - there are some some more obvious ways.

  • Don't sell out to those who seek to buy one off.

  • Don't yield to the threats of third parties.

  • Don't promise what you cannot deliver.

  • Don't get economical with the truth.

These sound simple in principle.

Easier said than done, as always.

However there is one more thing...

Say what one wants, not what others want to hear.


Politicians Stating What They Truly Want.

To win at the game of politics as we know it, it is mandatory for a politician to pander to public opinion.

This means that when the people get to vote for a politician, they often only have that person's words and the trending stories surrounding him or her to go on upon which to make their decision. They won't know what they are really going to get until they are saddled with that person for the next few years.

The worst part is that politicians aren't even necessarily inclined to stick to their election promises - which results in suspiciously convenient U-turns.



What if - in the line-up of fake populist politicians that have been the norm, one were also to find individuals thrown into the mix that do quite the opposite?

Such a person may appear less fake - they are not necessarily even appropriate in expressing their views - which same views themselves may sometimes be downright unpopular.

But seeming inapproporiate views or outbursts are not exclusively the domain of the genuine. The most famous contemporary example of a contentious individual getting into power... would be Donald Trump. Its fair to say that people have very mixed feelings about that person - and how he is currently doing in his role - and whether he is genuine or not...

In any case how Trump performs in his role will affect the allure of any other individuals of similarly off-beat characteristincs in future... and this may have been a calculated gamble by those same shadowy interests mentioned earlier - but I digress.


The point that I am trying to convey here is that it would be interesting if aspiring politicians were to stop telling people what they want to hear - and instead tell the public what that individual politician does or does not 'believe'.

Imagine an aspiring politician telling you that a vote for him or her means a vote for:

  • Gun rights
  • Military intervention abroad
  • Social Healthcare

If these three things are what you yourself happen to believe in - then this politician might be a good choice for your vote.

That is the theory - at least.


I am sure that there will be some interesting opinions to hear on this matter so do let me get to hear of them down in the comments down below. :c)

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