"HOORAY" (The Giving Factory) Unloading.................! Courtesy Of The Steem Blockchain, "Dreams Almost Equals Reality".

"HOORAY" (The Giving Factory) Unloading.................

My company already began behind the scenes and will fully commence activity in the coming days, but i do need your help, my precious steemit community. 

This is my home and i mean all the words in this post in a very heartfelt way. 

Whatever support you will like to propose, i am all ears. For me, your effort to interact with this post and hopefully join my discord server SteemLab/TheAmazingTeam/unMEAN-sTWEETs, will be a massive gift from you to me!

"HOORAY" (The Giving Factory) Unloading.................

@hulkbuster and @aksinya read excerpts of what my company is about and bought out time to create me these logos!

This is simply selflessness on their part! 

@j3dy came along in one comment and also offered to help create a logo! This will come in handy when i am actually doing the main introduction to my company!

This is an excerpt of where i am headed!

I would love for you to join our the discord channel SteemLab/TheAmazingTeam/unMEAN-sTWEETs 

I will make a post soon explaining where I am headed. I am starting my tinnie-winnie company. It is going to be called: 

HOORAY/"The Giving Factory". 

"The story is of a boy, who had not one dime but found a means to "give give give" and he "gave gave gave"
The funny thing is he was teaching but he wasn't teaching people only how to give! Instead, he was teaching the "art of receiving"
This will all unfold gradually and you (the Steemit Community) will form part of shaping it. 
Being part of SteemLab/TheAmazingTeam/unMEAN-sTWEETs is so so enormous to me because you are believing in me for no reason
You are receiving the negligible gifts, that I have to give at this time! You are journeying with me. I am grateful. 
Here is a tiny steem gift! Receive it for a start. Receiving is a beautiful art. 
I am hoping to give everyday!
On the discord channel, feel free to create a channel and invite your steemian friends. It is still being setup, thank you for bearing with me! Stay tuned, when my logos are getting ready, my post soon will explain better. Too much love from me and one love! 
Your boy Terry" 

On discord server, there are different channels! We currently have more 30 steemian members!

If you are new on there, just say hello in the hello channel! 

Share your links in the getyourupbuildingupvotefreelyhere channel! 

If you have contests, drop here: dropyourcontestshere! 

Any special finding about "cure for diseases", drop here: curefordiseases

For your questions: askaway

For random thoughts and knowledge, please drop here: steemdump

Everyone is leader there. So if you have a niche and you want to set up your own channel and invite your friends please do. 

The roadmap for SteemLab/TheAmazingTeam/unMEAN-sTWEETs is still in the making! Not much activity yet but there will. Just take charge! 

This is the model upon which (HOORAY/The Giving Factory) is built:

RECEIVING IS AN ART. It too, must be learnt. If there is no receiver, there cant be a giver!
LEAVE THE GIVING TO ME. Be ready to receive.
Ask and you shall receive! 

Everything is now made possible by means of the steem blockchain! I am so grateful!

By means of the steem blockchain; dreams are becoming almost equal to reality!

If you want to give me some more assistance; i am looking to create one tight logo and one tight GIF, for the footer of my upcoming post introducing (HOORAY/The Giving Factory).

Special Thanks to:

@papa-pepper @kus-knee @benjojo @sykochica @dreemit @surfermarly who played roles without their knowledge in the birth of this company!

Ofcourse, @ned provided us steemit and all that it constitutes!

@tincho is so reassuring in how he offers himself willing. @palentincho as well!

@clayboyn, @samstonehill have been so great in how they support me!

@mrwang can related with where i am headed.

There are countless number of people i would love to thank but not to worry The Giving Factory will visit you soonest!

For the first time in a long time, i say; 


Say it with me: 


 Your Boy Terry



Let's form one strong beautiful empire of steemians who truly love one another! 

Discord - TheAmazingTeam 


Steemit Chat - SteemitIsBeautiful

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