Welcome to my House STEEMIT... and have a cup of coffee with me. FIRST STEEMIT HOUSE TOUR POST. (Some Extras Included: Super Sweet Chocolate Muffin Recipe for my Guests)

“Home is where the heart is" - Mine is here!

If you are new to my blog, hello and welcome. I’m Daria. I live in Poland with my husband who is a professional cyclist and my vibrant little daughter Sopie (Zosia). Every day I run a small and cozy hotel in one of the Polish cities. Aside from being a mom, wife & hotelier, I’m passionate about home design and décor. I’m also passionate about cooking so today I’m going to share both :)


We built our house in 2015 and ever since… We ‘ve been transforming it little by little into a more custom and charming one. I’m trying to remember that interior design is a marathon, not a sprint (and to tell you the truth - it’s been a long journey so far… ) Lucky for us, my husband is a real handyman and did almost all finishing works by himself. What’s more, he was willing to put up my 15 millions ideas about how it should look like (he even changed the colours of the walls THREE TIMES). We wouldn’t be able to move into the house if it wasn’t for his help and … my bargain shopping skills OF COURSE! I Don’t know how much it cost to finish the house in other countries but we had to fit 25 000$ - and WE DID :) Hoorey!

My House is the place where I want to share my Little “Loves” with You. I experience Little Loves in my house every day: my Love to my husband and Daughter, my Love to decorate my House, my Love to DIY works (I’m going to share some of them in my next posts) and My Love to Beautiful Things (like the ones in my previous posts).

Now I’m going to let the pictures speak for themselves as

“one picture says more than thousand words”.

So please take off your coat, help yourself with a muffin and let me take you for my house tour.


Living Room

My favourite and so true quotation in my house:

"I prayed for a good husband and I got one. He didn't pray so he has what he has".


Let's go upstairs.


Sophie's Room

I’m by no means a professional decorator but I do hope you enjoyed our house, got inspired a bit or felt like home.


FIRST P.S. Do not think I’m a Superwoman and my house is clean all the time…

While I was writing this post my little vibrant and very creative daughter has managed to do this…MY HOME TOUR SPOOF!

Feel better now?

SECOND P.S. If you enjoyed my muffins, here is the RECIPE that I promised to give you at the beginning of my post. I assume that you're very busy writing your posts and discovering Steemit, so this recipe is very quick and easy to do :)


1 Chocolate bar

2 eggs 150g of butter

300 ml of milk

300g of flour

2 tea spoons of bakery powder

200g of sugar

Pinch of salt

1. Melt the butter and put it way to get cooler 2 Crush the chocolate bars into very small pieces and put into a separate bowl 3. Beat the egg 4. Mix 5. Add cooled butter 6. Mix 7. Combine all of the dry ingredients (including chocolate) in the bowl and slowly add wet ingredients, mixing all the time. 8. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. 9. Pour the batter into the molds 10.Bake about 30 minutes.

You will get 12 muffins out of the recipe – ENJOY!

THIRD P.S. Thank You Steemit for creating the opportunity to share my passions!!!!!!!! And Thank you Dear Steemers for voting and leaving a comment on my previous post:


I’m dying of curiosity to get to know if you liked my house or not. So please, don’t hesitate and feel free to leave some comments. I’m looking forward to your reviews.


#home #housedecor #passion #freetime #lovesteemit

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