[Hard Fork 18] How To Use the Author Reward Splitting Feature

Author reward splitting feature is introduced in v0.18.0. Authors can set a list of accounts when posting, to redirect all or a part of author rewards of that post.

Although the official name is "Comment Reward Beneficiaries", it can be used on both posts and replies.

Please be aware that rewards received by beneficiaries will be 100% Steem Power.

This post is mainly for developers, to help them create their own applications / websites, then users (you) will be able to use it easily. Advanced users can use the command line client (cli_wallet) so far, before a UI with this feature is out.

This post used this feature. 50% of author reward earned by this post will be BURNED automatically, 20% will go to @good-karma who is the developer of eSteem mobile App, and I'll keep the rest 30%.

Please be aware, beneficiaries must be specified in sorted order (account ascending).

Here is the command used in cli_wallet to create this post.

sign_transaction { "operations": [ [ "comment", { "parent_author": "", "parent_permlink": "howto", "author": "abit", "permlink": "hard-fork-18-how-to-use-author-reward-splitting-feature", "title": "[Hard Fork 18] How To Use the Author Reward Splitting Feature", "body": "To be edited.", "json_metadata": "{\"tags\":[\"howto\",\"steem\",\"hardfork\",\"development\"],\"app\":\"cli_wallet\/0.18.1\",\"format\":\"markdown\"}" } ], [ "comment_options", { "author": "abit", "permlink": "hard-fork-18-how-to-use-author-reward-splitting-feature", "max_accepted_payout": "1000000.000 SBD", "percent_steem_dollars": 10000, "allow_votes": true, "allow_curation_rewards": true, "extensions": [[0,{"beneficiaries":[{"account":"good-karma","weight":2000},{"account":"null","weight":5000}]}]] } ] ], "extensions": [], "signatures": [ ] } true

Here is the transaction with better format. You can also find it from block explorers for example SteemD.com or SteemDB.com :

            "title":"[Hard Fork 18] How To Use the Author Reward Splitting Feature",
            "body":"To be edited.",
            "max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",


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