How To Start Catalyzing a More Peaceful World


When we first enter the world, we are free from the constructs of scarcity and separation. Through new eyes we see the world as a connected whole.

However, that all starts to change pretty quickly.

The average toddler hears the word "no" an astonishing 400 times a day! Our natural wonder slowly chips away.

As we grow up, we're told certain things are normal because "That's how it's always been."

But really, most normal or status quo concepts are less than a hundred years old. In the grand scheme of things, that's nothing. So let's start envisioning a new normal of Peace and Abundance through open source and decentralized solutions.

Once we have the vision, how do we take the first steps towards a more peaceful world?

Well, it starts with each of us, and ripples outward.


Let's take a quick minute for a corny but potentially revolutionary exercise:

Start saying the word "no" out loud.

Repeat the word "no" over and over.

Notice how you feel when you say the word "no."

Now take a deep breath and let's give yes a try.

Say the word "yes" out loud.

yes, yes, Yes, YES, YES!

Did you feel the difference? I don't know about you but saying no made me feel closed down, while yes got me feeling tingly and left me with a smile on my face.

When I first did this exercise, I started to recognize the frequency behind our words. It was undeniable after feeling it in my body. We are emitters of frequency through our words, as well as our thoughts and actions. Once we own this concept we can become more conscious of the frequencies we transmit.

As we start saying "Yes" to life, we create small spaces where possibility can enter.

It may take time to counteract the "No's" we grew up hearing but by taking steps in a new direction, we start to bend the boundaries of life that we once thought to be unchangeable. A space with more unknowns can also be seen as a blank canvas, a place which is only limited by our imagination.


If money were no object, how would you spend your time? Now, find a way to start doing that in a small way. Share your vision with others and start planting the seeds of possibility.

By focusing on lifting up our piece of the world, we in turn, inspire and uplift those around us and our ripples combine, forming waves.

Onward they go, far past the visible horizon of our immediate community. We'll likely never know how the simple smile or wave to a stranger, sparked a chain reaction of inspiration and joy. These ripples have the power to travel around the world and back again, starting feedback loops of love.


Each moment we have the ability to make ripples, so let's utilize this amazing power to create a world that works for all. Here's to a world where all are free, safe and at peace. Now let's plant those seeds with our thoughts, words and deeds.

Onward and upward!



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