30 seconds sketching nude people in motion - artistic practices, detailed description


I make this exercize regulary for already two years. It's such a hands-stretching tip for artists - sketching nude models in motion. Erlier I wrote a post about it, a first description of the process, but it was four months ago so I'll add some of it's psrts here to remind the main idea.

The process:

 Thus, it is believed that drawing sketches of nudity,  fifty a day, for three months, can significantly improve the skill of anatomy. And make your characters much more dynamic. It’s likely that you don’t have 50 random nude people at home to practice on them, so it’s OK to use special sites, I will give links to some of them in the end of the article. 

So, what's the point. You do sketches really quickly, training your drawing speed, your artistic vision and your stylization. This particular exercise has nothing to do with anatomy practice - it's a different exercise.

Drink and draw:

If you have "Drink and Draw" sessions in your city - it's a good idea to take part in them. Usually they invite a model, and you have a 2,5 hours drawing session. 15, 30, 60 seconds poses, then 1, 5, 10, 15 mitutes poses, and three poses for 20 minutes. It's really useful to have a possibility to draw a real model time to time.

What for?

  •  1. The ability not to protract with the sketch (indeed, when the timer is running you don’t have an  opportunity to spit at the ceiling from to time)
  • 2. Correction of overvalued relation to your drawings (when you already have drawn 50 bollocks – you can fell free about 51st)
  • 3. "Swing" for everyday drawing (the appetite comes with eating. If you start sketching in the morning, then move on to some more global work in the afternoon becomes much easier. Your hands are already “hot”)
  • 4. The lack of opportunities for self-flagellation in the process (again, while the timer is running you do not have time to stop and think about that the life is an ash, and your hands are not completely sprouted from a traditional place)
  • 5. Lack of opportunity to choose a simpler view (and this is really a plus! The site, which I tried firs included a huge man as a model, who desperately conjures up thoughts of creatures from the Fantastic Four. Sometimes I can not even figure out where he has some part of the body, not that quickly sketch it. However, such a random types and positions in the future will allow you to effortlessly render anyone though in a pose of the letter "sic") 

 What difficulties may arise: 

  •  1. Oh-wei, I can’t  keep within the allotted timeThis temporarily. At first I’ve established the timer for 90 seconds, and only when these 90 became too much for me, and I had the time, during which I was expecting change of the image on the screen, I’ve translated it to 60. This approach usually works, and only one thing about it is funny - the transition to a more a short time is a chance for some time to produce one-legged / one-armed persons with disabilities. But it will pass, and then you begin to keep up in time.
  • 2. Oh-wei, I have no time/ mood / desires / materials / inspiration (underline) for itThere's not much to discuss. Some stub of pencil and pieces of paper exist in any home, and about the desire and time ... There is a popular expression, calling not to torture sciatic place with no urge to defecate (read - "If you don’t want to crap – do not torture your ass" ). However, the case will approach the same phrase about finding opportunities and excuses. Choose to your taste.
  • 3. Oh-wei, I don’t see any progressIt will be seen. But not immediately. Progress will appear after 2 weeks / month / three, depending on you personally. Do not throw away the first sketches. Do not throw away anything before the end of the experiment, cause you will not have something to compare with. 

Where to find the resourses for sketching?

Explore the youtube channels:

Croquis Cafe:

New Masters Academy:

And special sites, like this one:



If you read till this line may be you're really interested in it:) Belive me, it's a wonderful exercise. It doesn't take much time, but it's really a way to improve your skill:)

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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