Homemade Herbal Facial Toner; Step By Step Guide

How To Make Your Own Herbal Facial Toner That Is Great For All Skin Types


A few years ago, I started replacing all the beauty products I was buying from the store with healthier ones I could make myself. This toner was one of the first items that I really fell in love with, and it is packed full of herbs that are wonderful for your skin and is great for all skin types. It helps remove excess oil without drying skin, all while reducing the size of pores and fighting acne. It will leave your skin feeling clean, soft and moisturized.

Let's start with the herbs...


Witch Hazel - has high concentrations of tannins, which make it an excellent astringent, it removes excess oil, shrinks pores and helps heal acne.

Lemon Balm- has the ability to calm and soothe skin, while stimulating circulation and also has high levels of antioxidants.

Calendula- is well known for its amazing healing properties. It has anti-septic, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties which help fight acne while its high levels of carotenoids help nourish the skin.

St. Johns Wort - is full of antioxidants and interleukins that decrease inflammation, which can be beneficial to acne sufferers. It has been shown to hydrate skin while it's natural oils help reduce the apperance of fine lines.

Green Tea Leaves- are full of antioxidants that work to strengthen blood vessels and stabilize elastin and collagen, two proteins that form part of the skin's supporting network.

Spearmint - it's antimicrobial nature helps to heal acne and other skin ailments. It can help reduce swelling and calm the skin.

To make the Toner we essentially will be making a strong herbal tea. I take about a Tablespoon of each herb and place into a jar.


Then add 12 ounces (about a cup and a half) of boiling water to herbs, give the mixture a good stir.


Cover and let the tea steep for at least 30 minutes.


While that is steeping let's talk about the other very beneficial ingredient that makes up this toner....Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar.


Vinegar you say?? Yes, vinegar...but not just any vinegar. If you have not made Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar a staple in your home yet, then hopefully this will convince you to;

Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar contains powerful alpha hydroxy acids that help to remove dead skin cells and reveal a fresher and healthier complexion. It also contains malic acid which gives it antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties which help prevent acne and skin infections. Apple Cider Vinegar doesn't just effectively remove excess oil from your skin, it also helps to balance pH levels and can prevent your skin from becoming too oily or too dry by balancing the production sebum...pretty amazing stuff right? The mother in the Apple Cider Vinegar is very important, so if you are buying it make sure you get a good Organic Raw one with the mother.

When the tea has finished steeping it should have a nice golden brown color.


We now just need to strain the tea mixture. You can use cheesecloth for this, a dish towel or small strainer.


Make sure you squeeze all of the liquid out.

Now, simply combine the herbal tea mixture with the apple cider vinegar in a container of your choice.

I showed you how I cleaned out my old essential oil bottles here.
I think these bottles work perfectly for storing your Herbal Facial Toner in.

I fill my bottle halfway with Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and then the rest of the way with your Herbal Tea.


You can add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil...


Then just label your item and apply daily with cotton ball to face and neck after cleansing.


As with all homemade items, this toner can be easily customized. I like to add in Nettle, Lavender and Chamomile when I have them on hand but there are many other herbs that would make great additions as well. Make it your own by adding your favorite herbs.

Herbal Facial Toner

12 ounces- boiling water

12 ounces -Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

1 TAB - Organic Lemon Balm

1 TAB - Organic Calendula

1 TAB - Organic Green Tea Leaves

1 TAB - Organic Witch Hazel

1 TAB - Organic Spearmint Leaves

1 TAB - Organic St. Johns Wort

8 drops of your favorite Organic Essential Oil (I use Lavender)

This recipe makes about 24 ounces of toner. I use a 4 oz bottle of the toner in my bathroom for daily use and store the rest in a jar in the fridge. That way I always have some on hand.

I hope you found this post helpful!

Happy Homesteading!

All photos are our own taken by yours truly

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