How to Have a Good Artwork Portrait: How to: Weekly Contest by @morbyjohn

I was thinking of what to do next on my art series. Its been a while since I shared my last post about artworks. Knowing also the contest of @howtoweekly entitled How to: Weekly it pushes me to do another piece of work as my participation on the said contest. I then realized sketching of the most historic person I've known and got my thoughts to our City Pride whom the brave warrior Datu Lapu-Lapu. This is not just a simple post but rather a delightful post as my thanksgiving for our Island hero Datu Lapu-Lapu.

Who is Datu Lapu-Lapu? (Brief History)

Way back on the 15th century in the country Philippines, people were so pity enough being colonized by the Spaniards. Filipino citizen were being slaved and some other were killed by Spansih soldiers. Many Filipino fought back against there will but they were to weak enough to win the battle.

Moreover, in the small Island of Cebu named Mactan, there lived a brave warrior Lapu-Lapu. April 27, 1521 when a group of explorer arrived on the Island leaded by Ferdinand Magellan who organized the Spanish Expeditionist came across to colonized the place. The tribe didn't agree about the thoughts of Magellan so the battle began to shuttered. Lapu-Lapu raised the virtue of his bravery to fight back to the Spanish soldiers. Bloody war between the two tribe seems to vanished the anger of both sides. Lapu-Lapu didn't fail to lift up the Island, he killed the Spanish expeditionist and resist it all through his way. That's why he was honored to be the first Filipino hero for resisting the Spaniards colonization. Up to this present era, people in the Island which was already highly-urbanized and change its name to Lapu-Lapu City always reminisce the unforgettable history happened centuries ago.

Praising our hero through the means of Art

I draw his face in order to show an empathy and exolt above all he did for us. I know it was not yet too late to give thanks for him for he did was a memorable to all Filipino citizen. For me a hero is not those who have superpowers and supernatural ability to fight for good rather heroes are the brave people who fights not for their own but for the sake of the country. Im a proud oponganons, and Lapu-Lapu is our hero.

Overview of My Art Piece


This is the output of my work. I drew it for almost 4 hours without any disturbance in my part. I find some pictures for Lapu-Lapu in google to have my masterpiece and below are the overall process in making my artwork.

Materials Used


  • pencil (Mongol 2)
  • charcoal pencil
  • sketch pad
  • charcoal brushes

The Process..

Step 1: How to Start your Drawing


First Sketch (pencil)


Second Sketch (pencil)

The first thing I did was to sketch the shape of the face using pencil. I first started at the eye of Datu Lapu-Lapu. And then followed by the other parts until I finished it thoroughly with pencil.


Final Sketch (pencil)

I didn't have all the figure with pencil because I wanted to have it in charcoal. Infact, you don't need to have a good shaped upon having it with a pencil, what's important is how you form it with your own technique.

Step 2: How to Have it with Charcoal


First Sketch (charcoal)

I layouted those parts needed to be higlighted using charcoal. I started in the eye, as my technique, I always have it in the eye so that I can have the balance of my work basing the eyes. I sharpen my charcoal to have a thin sketch in outlining. Charcoal is the best to use if you want to have a portrait because it gives a proper outline on your drawing depending on how you used it.

Step 3: How to do Shading


Second Sketch (shading)


Third Sketch (shading)

After outlining I then started to shade those parts needed to be shaded. What I did was to powderized the charcoal and place it on a separate sheet. Having plenty of brushes I then used it to make a good shading of the parts. And then followed repeatedly the steps given above.

Shading adds beautification in your art, it gives a good effect on your work.

Step 4: How to have a Nice Output of your Portrait


Fourth Sketch (shading)

After everything, I then shaded the other parts of the drawing just like his dress and the handkerchief placed above his head. Then, erased neatly those exceeded outline made. Lastly, was my artwork of Datu Lapu-Lapu.


Fifth Sketch (shading)


Final Sketch (shading)

I know we do have different techniques in having a portrait. I'm happy to have shared you my tips on how to made a portrait drawing. It is my pleasure to give your recommendation about this tutorial. I hope you gain even for a little knowledge in my piece.

Thank you for your appreciation and time. Have a blessed day everyone. Let us spread peace and love.


your co-Steemian,


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