Want Different Sized Texts on Your Posts? Add HTML Tags!!

Add some variation to your posts with HTML tags!

Hey, everyone! I've been pretty much putting these tags in all of my posts, but i've noticed that most people are not.

Most posts that I see on here are just text without bold, italics, or headers to create some kind of structure or text variations.

An example would be the header of this post up above. It's larger than the body of the post

Doing this is actually very simple.

They are called HTML tags


Adding these to your posts are not difficult at all. It may take a while to get used to, but I know that you will love them once you start using them.

Check out a full list of tags here: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/
There are a lot of them, so may just want to google specific ones.

You can also just google "HTML tags" to find and experiment with new tags.

Here is a mini tutorial. This is just to show you the header tags.

The sentence we will use for the example is: "Wow! I love Steemit!"

Header 1:
The tags are: <h1></h1>
Used in example: <h1>Wow! I love Steemit!</h1>
The result:

Wow! I love Steemit!

Header 2:
The tags are: <h2></h2>
Used in example: <h2>Wow! I love Steemit!</h2>
The result:

Wow! I love Steemit!

Header 3:
The tags are: <h3></h3>
Used in example: <h3>Wow! I love Steemit!</h3>
The result:

Wow! I love Steemit!

There are many more tags and I encourage you to explore them!


I hope you enjoy and it helps you out on your posts!

Make sure to Resteem so more people can see!

Best wishes,

Anibal Mijangos

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