The First Wedding - A Hummingbird wedding

According to the Maya Indians; the first wedding on earth was the wedding between two hummingbirds. After the Great God made all the other birds, there were some leftover pieces that he wanted to recycle. So this eco-friendly god created the first hummingbird. But since the bird was so small he made sure that it could fly extraordinary well. And when it was flying backwards and forwards and hovering above the Great God, his wings made a humming sound dzu_nu_ume. That’s why the Mayas called the bird Dzunuume. The Mayan God liked this little bird so much that it made a partner for him and told them both that this was their wedding day, the first wedding on the planet and all the animals of the forest were invited. All the animals were excited. The butterflies marked out the wedding room. The spiders spun their webs so it became a pathway for the bride and bridegroom. The birds were singing and flowers rained their petals on the ground and everything was beautiful except for the hummingbirds, they looked rather grey and dull. That’s why all the other birds gave their most beautiful feathers to the new couple to decorate them. Then the sun came out and their wedding was sealed. The sun also promised them that as long as the hummingbirds would look to the sun their feathers would gleam with magic.



These hummingbirds are actually not so cute as they look. They can be quite competitive. We have at least 3 different species in our garden and they fight each other over 'their' flowers. I also saw them chase away butterflies. They like their flowers and they don't tolerate much competition.

When you see them fight it's like two musketeers duelling in the sky. Two birds focused on each other going left, right, up and down never changing their relative position. It's wonderful to see for the few seconds that it lasts. Then apparently somebody won or the fight was miraculously ended.

According to the Aztecs hummingbirds were not only fierce but sacred as well.
In Aztec mythology when a warrior dies during battle, he turns in to a hummingbird to fly and join the god Huitzilopochtli. Which name translates: Hummingbird of the south.



Hummingbirds are also a symbol of joy. When you see a hummingbird it might ask you:

Where is your joy? Do you find it within or do you seek it outside? Remember the sweetest nectar is always within.


Did you know that in 2009 a 300 feet long crop circle was discovered in a Wiltshire barley field.



It resembles the Aztec lines of a hummingbird found in Peru.


These birds are seen as witnesses from the gods. Might this be a message from them?

The hummingbird is the teacher of truth and beauty. Open your heart to the beauty of the hummingbird and experience the truth which is life.


Thanks and much love,



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