My New Mexican Restaurant - Another "Language-Pun"

"You have guac to be kidding me!"
- Unknown

- Speaking of tortillerias,

I've for a very long time wanted to open a Mexican Restaurant.

Have you ever noticed how Mexican restaurants are named?

I suspect there may be an unwritten rule that requires the syllable "Bert" (or something close) to be a part of the restaurant name.

For example,

there's Alberto's, Jilberto's, Humberto's, Roberto's, Erickberto's, and on and on we could go.

Is the syllable **"Bert"** in the name?

Is the syllable "Bert" in the name?
Photo courtesy of Unsplash and

Without further ado, I'd like to announce the name and present the key staff members of my new Mexican restaurant.

Cue the drum-roll and searchlights, please...


Welcome to Abierto's!

A Fine Mexican Restaurant

We Never Close!

Manager: Tom Bien
Chef: Tom Poco
[ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom!]


LOOK! Check out our amazing product:

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