True Confessions of a ☁️Steem Junkie☁️,

Or, How I Formed a Local Chapter of ☁️Steemit Anonymous.☁️

Admit it, Steemian. You Are An Addict!

Hooked on Steem...

Hooked on Steem
Photo courtesy of Stas Svechnikov and

It Came To Me in the Wee Hours of the Morning...

Something woke me far too early, and I could not go back to sleep. My brain "turned on" and refused my best efforts to shut it down.

What was on my mind? Steemit, of course. Then I realized;

I had become a Steemit addict.

Beginning a serious inventory, I mentally reviewed the past month. Good heavens, what has become of me? Steemit, Steemit, STEEMIT on the brain, 24/7!

Come on now, be honest with yourself; take this quiz before it's too late. How many of these symptoms do you recognize?

  • You don't read much anymore - aside from Steemit blogs, that is...
  • You tell everyone you meet how cool Steemit is
  • You have begun blogging about your dreams
  • Events that haven't crossed your mind since childhood suddenly seem like good things to share with your readers
  • You should be working; instead, you're curating or making notes for your next post
  • Your innermost thoughts seem to find their way before thousands of Steemit readers
  • "Click Bait" titles keep parading through your mind
  • You have a new hammer (Steemit;) everything else now looks like a nail...
  • You've missed dinner (more than once!) because you were waiting for the perfect time to post
  • "What did you say, Dear?" You were daydreaming about your next article
  • Steemit consumes more time than your favorite hobby
  • You're bleary-eyed, losing sleep over Steemit
  • Cuddling has taken a back seat to posting

No, you don't need to score your results; it should be pretty obvious already;

You have been STEEMED!

 God help you! God help us all!

So, What's our next step?

I'm thinking about contacting other Steemit bloggers that live nearby... maybe organizing some meetings. Surely there's comfort in numbers?

There must be someone out there who can help... I believe in a Higher Power, don't you?

The following scene may be only days away...

Looking downcast, he slowly approaches the podium.

"Hi, My name is Duncan...

...and I am a Steemian."

"Hi, Duncan!"

There is a pause, then a deep breath.

"I... I admit it! -- to myself... to all of you --

I am powerless. I have an irresistable compulsion... I simply cannot help myself!

I must spend more time on Steemit!!!"

Overwhelmed by the shame of it all, Duncan covers his face with his hands.

<subdued sounds of weeping>

Be sure to contact me...

...for the time and date of the next Steemit Anonymous meeting. Perhaps we can help each other!

If nothing else, maybe we'll get some good ideas for our next article...

Local "Steemit Anonymous" Meeting Room

Local "Steemit Anonymous" Meeting Room
Photo courtesy of Crew and

If you recognize yourself in this article...

...leave your first name ONLY in a comment below. ;) Steemit Anonymous respects your right to privacy.


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