SHITPOST YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS 🥇NEW Steemit-Exclusive Series • Lesson No. 1 • Letting go of quality for profit

Creating quality content on Steemit can feel like trying to break rocks with a glass hammer

It's only good if people read it. Many seasoned veterans will declare 'quality is key' while they get automated votes, regardless of how 'shitpostesque' their shit (I meant content) really is.

We hear that "quality is subjective" from people who get votes based upon the profitability odds of their post.

What does that mean? Well, it means that those who are known to generate high earnings tend to get more votes because it is profitable to vote this way due to how the rewards system works. Quality, quite literally, has nothing to do with earning here on Steemit.

How does one find success on Steemit?

With the way that the platform is set up, basically, there are a few ways to get noticed. I'll go into this more in-depth in the next parts of this series, but here are a few things that people do to earn:

• Beg anyone who will listen to upvote your shitposts
• Spam every discord room you know of without the slightest degree of self-control
• Kiss some whale ass with bright red lipstick

There are many more ways than this, of course, but these are the most popular methods I've observed. A future lesson in this series is already mapped out to include many more, so if your appetite for shitposting tips has yet to be satiated, then by all means stick around.

Oh, you doubt?!

Ok, so we still haven't made you a believer? Well, there is plenty more of this series to come, so hang onto that belief with both hands! Anyone who has tried to pump out quality content surely knows that struggle is real.

Without genuine and meaningful relationships (it's all about who you know) it can feel impossible to get noticed and see your quality content get the attention it might on other platforms. It's not always about the content - it is more about the individual - the 'who', not so much the 'what'. Sharing content without a network is as useful as mesh condoms, so keep that in mind.

Two camps and you will join one:

• Camp Shitpost: let all the common courtesy out the window like some hot gas and post unscrupulously.

• Camp Quality: post with compassion, care, and regard for your readers (assuming you have some). Growth is typically much slower and takes exponentially more effort, determination, desire, and passion to achieve. It is a very small camp here, so we have plenty of room for more of you!!

Thanks for droning through lesson 1 and please check out this introduction here or click the image below to learn more about the shenanigans to come:

Introducing: SHITPOST YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS 🥇All NEW Steemit-Exclusive Mini-Series

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