The hottest new investment alt coin is actually an old classic!

Yes, yes. STEEM is over a $1.00. Bitcoin just cracked $2,200. Praise Nakamoto! Steemit is awash in posts about the expanding cyrptobubble we’re currently enjoying. “How far will it go?”, “$20 STEEM?”. On and on. Sorry to be the sobering voice of reason, but you don’t make millions pursuing these pumps and trends. You need to get in BEFORE the wave and ride it. Know when to get off, and when to capitalize on the next big thing.

The reality of the game is that cryptocurrency is volatile. Too volatile! Can you imagine spending the next 20 years making thoughtful, in depth posts like my recent “Our final conscious thoughts before death!”, earning hundreds of thousands, millions of STEEM, just for the market to go ass up when a future hard fork changes the color of the Steemit background? NO THANKS!

That’s why I’m powering down and moving on to the next, tangible alternative to a shaky crypto-ecosystem. Pogs. Yes, fucking POGS! Don’t look at me like that! Your heads are all in the sand with this “blockchain” technology. Yes, it may have it’s uses […like buying POGS in a buyers market], but it’s a little known fact that the core POG technology and utility dates back to 17th century Japan! Popularized in the mid 90’s by Waialua elementary school teacher Blossom Galbiso […considered by many to be the Satoshi Nakamoto of the POGS market], POGS exploded across the world in a frenzy of popularity.

That initial popularity created an overvalued POGS market and the bubble burst soon thereafter. Sound familiar Bitcoin holders? Have a look at this STEEM activity from the coin’s introduction, and compare that to the 30 year market trends of POGS. STEEM’s recent resurgence over $1 is all the proof I need that the return to POG value is imminent, and I for one will be ahead of that inevitable rally! 

Opportunity of a Lifetime

Opportunity awaits all of us. Have a look here at this auction for 10,000 Mortal Kombat Mint condition POGS for under $100! C’mon, people? Remember when our friends and family thought we were crazy for buying STEEM at $0.07?! Who’s laughing now? When this thing comes off the rails, I’m going to be forcing this circular cardboard gold down everyone’s throats! 

Real World Application

Did you know The Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the US military’s merchandise supplier, began supplying troops in Afghanistan with POGS in 2001 for use as army currency? To cut down on the costs of shipping heavy nickels and dimes, AAFES issued the 5, 10 and 25 cent denominations that are still used to buy goods and services across the world? Recent news that President Trump and his administration have signed a $110B arms deal with the Saudi’s bolsters military spending for the next decade and if you think an exponential rise in those AAFES POGS isn’t coming by Q4, you’re fucking high!

The Time Is Now

It’s not a matter of “if”, it’s a matter of “when”. Crypto-volatility, Poloniex D-DOS and trade woes, government corruption scandals. The timing for POGS to once against dominate trade markets couldn’t be more in line with the uncertain climate of our troubled world. If you’re considering diversifying your alt coins, for God’s sake, consider making one of them a physical, circular, paper cardboard disk with Bart Simpson’s face. There’s plenty of room on the POGS boat before it leaves port. Come aboard, and join me for the real journey #beyondbitcoin!

For more profound crypto-insight and investment advice, follow me here @kommienezuspadt! I also post a lot of photos of pretty ladies in underwear. A lot.

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