Introducing the @supergoodliving Super Good Weekly Advice Column


Giving you the best advice that my humorous side can offer!

If you’re like me, you enjoy a good laugh. Sometimes you can laugh at yourself and sometimes the laughter comes at the expense of others. And that’s okay! Laughter makes everything better. Do what you can to find the funny in things. There’s some free advice for you and I haven’t begun the column yet!

My plan is to collect a few questions or comments from my humor posts throughout the week. I will then try to offer my best advice in a weekly Saturday post. It might be serious advice with a comedic spin or it might be complete nonsense. Half the fun is not knowing! You can submit questions directly in the comments of the weekly columns or request one of your comments on my other posts to be submitted. No topic is off-limits but try to keep it clean. Don’t be offended if I get a lot of submissions and can’t answer everything. I might roast you if you do or even if you don’t. Just remember to laugh about it!


Things may be getting a lot spicier around here. But it’s all in good fun. We’re all just kids on the inside! Don’t forget that! So let’s get creative and laugh until our cheeks cramp, our sides split, and maybe until we tinkle in our trousers!

Submissions are now open!


All images attribution-free from

*If you enjoy my humor, please upvote, follow me, and Re-Steem this post!

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