ICOs to Prepare For [November 2017 Edition]

As always, please do your own research before investing in anything and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Overall these upcoming ICOs for November 2017 seem pretty good, but so did Tezos, and look where they’re at!

Beginning Coin Offerings (ICOs), have turned into a subject of much level headed discussion in the cryptographic money group. All the ICO's that have surfaced are just a thought, and they're requesting a huge number of dollars before any verification of idea even exists. Be that as it may, if the group looks great, and the thought appears to be feasible, than putting resources into the ICO could bring a decent ROI. The accompanying are a couple of ICO's that are occurring this November 2017 that I think have great potential. Try not to utilize this article alone to choose climate or not you ought to put resources into the specified ICO's. This isn't planned to be utilized as any type of speculation exhortation.

On the off chance that you don't realize what an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is, here's an article about that.


Utrust is a progressive installment stage that empowers purchasers to utilize their most loved cryptographic money with a specific end goal to pay venders. It furnishes venders with the security and comfort of getting stores in fiat cash, and offer the best shopper assurance to purchasers, by going about as put stock in middle people. Utrust join the best installment assurance highlights of current-age fiat frameworks with the imaginative highlights of blockchain and mix in the one of a kind highlights gave by our own particular token.

UTRUST vs. PayPal vs BitPay

The Utrust Platform plans to give the shopper insurance purchasers underestimate in conventional online buys, going about as an arbiter, resolver of contentions, empowering the likelihood of discounts to moderate misrepresentation, while protecting the dealer from crypto-showcase unpredictability. The group points to assemble the installment API for commercial center combination that will end up being the crypto-contender to PayPal.

ICO Details

  • Tokens will be on sale for $0.065 USD per token and can be bought with BTC or ETH
  • The minimum contribution amount is 0.2 ETH/ 0.02 BTC
  • The crowdsale has a hard cap and will end once it raised $49,000,000 USD
  • The token supply is 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion)

UTRUST ICO Started: November 2, 2017

ICO Page



Web mammoths give everything to us – free pursuit, free mail, free talk. Be that as it may, each time you play out a hunt or tap on an advertisement, they are paid hundreds if not THOUSANDS of dollars from the organizations behind the promotion. For what reason would it be advisable for you to do all the work while they receive every one of the rewards?

BitClave’s Proposal for the new Seller-Advertiser-Consumer Value Chain

BitClave is the up and coming age of hunt information security. You ought to have control over who can utilize it-and how. BitClave's decentralized web index encourages you really find what you're searching for and get adjusted for your information, making outsider promoting systems pointless. Controlled by blockchain, you can rest guaranteed your information is ensured.

With regards to internet publicizing, organizations are compelled to pay immense measures of cash to "agents" keeping in mind the end goal to contact a hostage gathering of people for their advancements. BitClave proposes a framework in which the go-betweens are disposed of. Rather than paying any "agents", organizations consequently make customized offers specifically to purchasers who have picked in for the administration. In this environment, customers have control over their own information and can select into publicizing and investigation benefits by retailers using savvy contracts.

How BitClave Works

One of the essential developments that BitClave is concentrating on is a conveyed blockchain-based framework, called the BitClave Active Search Ecosystem (BASE), which permits the putting away and overseeing of immense measures of information comprising of records of client exercises from a boundless and variegated number of authentication focuses (more data on page 10 of whitepaper).

ICO Details

  • The target for the ICO is $50,000,000 USD
  • There will be a total of 2,000,000,000 (2 billion) Consumer Activity Token (CAT) in supply with 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) CAT available for sale.
  • BitClave will be accepting BTC, ETH, LTC, and QTUM

BitClave ICO Started: November 8, 2017




Ammbr Foundation is a non-benefit association situated in Singapore. Its point is to fabricate an around the world, remote work media communications arrange utilizing Blockchain and propelled remote system advances. The Ammbr system will connect the last-mile hole that is at present inadequately took care of by customary Internet Service Providers, particularly in less created nations.

The Ammbr system will be made out of Ammbr units, which act like propelled switches. These units commonly hand-off information with each other and, thusly, they allow the end clients Internet get to, particularly in territories where the Internet scope is as of now poor. The units utilize an extensive variety of cutting edge remote advancements, enabling them to be exceptionally adaptable and to cover long separations. The multifaceted nature of the gadget won't impact the general client encounter, which will be like what a present "standard" switch gives when a client needs to join a LAN to interface with the Internet.

The Amber mesh WiFi

With the advantages and difficulties of work organizing as a primary concern, Ammbr group has embarked to build up a minimal effort work organizing machine that carefully tends to the prerequisites. The Ammbr remote work gadget (an Ammbr hub) acts like a purchaser well disposed WiFi switch. Nonetheless, under its skin, the gadget is successfully a multi-band heterogeneous work center gadget expanding network well past the regular WiFi scope of 150 feet. We're taking a gander at more than a few kilometers for a range on this gadget!

ICO Details

  • The price per AMMBR is set at 2,500 per ETH. That valuation will not change at all during the crowdsale. To incentivise early but fair commitment to the Crowdsale, a sliding bonus structure will be offered
  • The Crowdsale will continue for a period of 58,888 mined Ethereum Blocks
  • Purchases can be made in ETH, BTC or BCH (Bitcoin Cash) or Cash* (see page 68 of whitepaper regarding payment with cash)
  • The market cap i.e. total number of AMMBR to be generated, will be announced prior to the public token sale on, or about, 5 November 2017.

Ammbr ICO Started: November 14, 2017




Covesting is a Blockchain based distributed resource administration and duplicate exchanging stage. Financial specialists can without much of a stretch peruse through many exchanging techniques, gave by proficient cryptographic money merchants and subscribe to the ones coordinating their objectives. Because of innovation based arrangements and keen contracts, Covesting stage enables its clients to recreate exchanging movement of a picked Model specifically into their isolated record at Covesting. While Model chiefs advantage from progress expenses created by gainful exchanging – Investors appreciate genuine feelings of serenity realizing that their assets being overseen by industry experts.

Investors from around the world can compare the performance of hundreds of professional crypto asset managers and mirror their trades automatically

Like some other interpersonal organization, Covesting offers its individuals a newsfeed, which empowers them to get refreshes from different dealers. Every dealer can post applicable data, clarify a venture choice, or offer some other sort of information with the Covesting people group. By following effective brokers, our individuals can turn out to be more proficient and settle on better venture choices.

Covesting is currently attempting to list COV tokens at the main crypto trades. COV will progress toward becoming exchanged on crypto trades soon after the ICO, for example, BitFinex, BitTrex, HiBTC.

ICO Details

  • The token sale will last for 30 days
  • They aim to accept up to 100,000 ETH which turns out to 15,000,000 COV
  • You may only buy COV tokens with ETH
  • A total of 20,000,000 (20 million) COV will be generated
  • The COV per ETH is between 200-130 depending on when you get in

Covesting ICO Starts: November 24, 2017




Wabi is hoping to stop the exchange of fake/counterfeit items inside China and the world. Walimai gives RFID based marks that can connect blockchain with physical items, understanding the phony/fake item issue in China. The innovation is as of now created and monetarily conveyed. They are hoping to scale now. A gauge of $461 billion USD of imported phony merchandise are available for use all around in 2012. The connecting of computerized and physical resources through RFID marks with hostile to duplicate usefulness permits buyers can validate the item through their telephone.

The WaBi venture is a blockchain-based steadfastness program to empower and compensate buys in the Walimai safe channel, and to build up aggregate security through individual activity. Shoppers around the globe are then ready to buy items secured by Walimai innovation with the WaBi coin.

The advancement course of events has been alive since February of 2014 and they have been unobtrusively working endlessly on this innovation.

Blockchain can solve the problem with digital assets but can not secure physical assets

Walimai’s core technology is fully developed and has been in operation since December 2016.

ICO Details

  • There will be a total of 100,000,000 WaBi tokens
  • A maximum of 46,000,000 WaBi tokens will be sold during the crowdsale at $0.25 USD per token
  • Tokens can be bought during the ICO using either BTC or ETH
  • The ICO will last 30-60 days or until it reaches the cap
  • Will require a KYC check which requires you to submit your name, citizenship, government-issued ID and your ETH address

People of China and the US cannot participate in this ICO
Wabi ICO Starts: November 28, 2017

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As always, please do your own research before investing in anything and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Overall these upcoming ICOs for November 2017 seem pretty good, but so did Tezos, and look where they’re at!

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