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PRG tokens

You are able to buy PRG Tokens using BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, ZEC, XRP, XMR, ETC and WAVES (USD or any other fiat currencies not accepted).The calculator is provided for your convenience. You can enter a number of PRG Tokens you wish to buy and calculate the amount you would need to have in your account wallets. Please note that transfer of funds to your account wallets does not constitute a purchase of the PRG Tokens. After the funds are deposited, you would need to complete Step 3 to purchase the required number of PRG tokens with the deposited funds. Please note that price of PRG Tokens would be calculated at the time of actual purchase of the PRG Tokens and not at the time of transfer of the funds to your account wallets.

You are able to buy PRG Tokens using BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, ZEC, XRP, XMR, ETC and WAVES (USD or any other fiat currencies not accepted).The calculator is provided for your convenience. You can enter a number of PRG Tokens you wish to buy and calculate the amount you would need to have in your account wallets. Please note that transfer of funds to your account wallets does not constitute a purchase of the PRG Tokens. After the funds are deposited, you would need to complete Step 3 to purchase the required number of PRG tokens with the deposited funds. Please note that price of PRG Tokens would be calculated at the time of actual purchase of the PRG Tokens and not at the time of transfer of the funds to your account wallets.

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