🎶🎵What a long strange trip it's been!!!🎶🎵a


I was out at the local reservoir enjoying an already beautiful day! I had pulled over to the picnic area, while sitting there waiting to walk down to the water I looked over across the street and noticed a Jerrygarcia bush, the coolest bush I've ever seen! Call me crazy, but the song Touch of Grey was playing in my mind! I instantly grabbed my cell phone and snapped this picture here:


A JerryGarcia bush!!!

Now, you can't tell me that wasn't an awesome resemblance! Here you go, for those who have no iclue who Jerry Garcia is, this image:


is from the Touch of Grey video, the Grateful Dead's first ever video might I add! It was also the only song to reach the Top 40😣 such a shame! Their music was listened to and traded more than Pokemon cards!!! The Grateful Dead's music has gotten me through most of my most difficult times, as well as some of my happier times! Here are a few of my favorites, as if i could really choose a favorite lol😄

Sugar Magnolia

It must've been the roses


He's Gone

This image was taken in Randolph County Indiana, I was on the lookout for something awesome and passed by this awesome stranger and ended up turning back to get a quick snap of, who I now call, "Jack Straw"😉


Jack Straw

After my drive I came home and logged into steemit to check the ifc tag to see if there were any new entries, then I noticed a post that had @bashadow's name in it, and knowing he had asked about getting his lyrics put to song I dove in and read the post, then I found the link for @edprivat's song!!!!

The IFC song written by @bashadow and composed by @edprivat The Home of the IFC

I was so excited to hear this song, I had no idea bashadow wanted it to have that Grateful Dead sound, so when I heard it I had the biggest smile. I think even tears of joy were starting to form! I was so ecstatic that not only did bashadow's dream of his poem being put to musiccome to fruition, but also @apolymask and his vision of the IFC becoming something we not only see but now something we can hear! This song deserves more attention😄 not because of the IFC but because of what it takes for people to come together in this world around us, even if it's only for a moment, we all need to learn to laugh and have fun, love each other not for what they can do for you but love them for who they are! Without love being the motivator we will never see peace! I appreciate the glimpse of peace and love shared on this platform! To create, thousands of miles apart, differences can be made!!!! I just want to say thank you to everyone who is willing to give love a chance.



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