IFC Round Three Finals: Aliens/UFOs
Fortunately, I've made it to the @ifc finals hosted by @apolymask, with only four of us left:
All four of us beat out quite a bit of amazing contestants and I never thought I’d get this far since I came late to the party. This week @apolymask has asked us to:
If you've been aware of the IFC you've probably noticed there's a Alien/UFO theme going on. And.. Back by popular demand/vote the subject of this quest will be one we have done already. Aliens/UFOs.
You can submit anything you want in regards to the subject. Could be a historical account, or some evidence like a video on YouTube or a short story or a song or a combination or a personal experience, it's up to you!
The challenge has been accepted! For my entry I will be discussing some of the known and unknown Hopi ancient "Alien/UFO" facts surrounding my people. Many feel they have heard of my ancestors, since some folks decided to name them Anasazi, Eagle Spirit is here to share traditional oral history with you and to assist in clarifying this as false information. The word Anasazi is an actual insult to the Hopi tribe, to the Puebloan people in general, and to my ancestors.
The word Anasazi means "a-hole" or "stink" and in its lowest for means the “N” word. Therefore, I ask that if you know the word Anasazi please remember that to those who come from this lineage do not find it appealing in the very least and at the most very degrading. Something to keep in mind in your future dealings with Native Americans found in the south western most regions. Stepping off my soap box.
The reason for this specific clarification is that when we speak of ancient paintings on walls, writings, or oral history there is sometimes an automatic reaction to say “oh the Anasazi.” In fact, the Hopi call our ancestors a different name entirely.
If you would like to know of my ancestral heritage I will share as much as I can without upsetting those who do not want a lot of it to get out. The main purpose of what I share is in fact cohesive with the @ifc and information finding initiative.
Personally, I feel that it is important to share information and not keep it to oneself. There are reasons Native Americans hold onto the information they have and much of it has to do with broken promises and stolen stories. I'm completely in line with keeping some things sacred, yet it is imperative that humankind begins to understand their history and what was and what will be.
The Hopi or as we call our ancients the Hisatsinom have been around for thousands of years living on the desert plain and sharing information about past ingenuity, technology, extraterrestrials, and much more. To tell you about extraterrestrials and the current topic of Aliens/ UFOs we must look to humankind's history, but first allow me to briefly touch on on the term alien.
I'm not sure about you but the word alien never sat well with me and in fact made me feel a bit ridiculous. The feeling I got at the pit of my stomach was there are Beings quite literally centuries old, yet for a young group in existence such as humans that have the audacity to think they are the only ones, is quite arrogant.
The closest word I feel that comes fairly close and acceptable is extraterrestrial:
Originating, existing, or occurring outside the earth or its atmosphere.
In current “science” we finding out more and more that a small percentage of human DNA made up of stars. If you have gotten a DNA test have you noticed a small percentage of your blood is “unknown?” I have my suspicions about this and it is only my intuition but that is why the movie Prometheus and that scene on human creation is not far from what my feeling is on the creation of mankind. That and the power only Creator can muster up.
The main reason I'm going over the definition of "alien" is that when we start to discuss oral tradition from the Hisatsinom none of this should be a surprise, outlandish, or extraordinary. There have been ancients and their lineage that continue to inhabit earth that have seen, written, and spoken about sightings and personal interaction. Of course, it is up to you to realize whether or not this is true. I leave that up to you.
Now let the storytelling begin ...
The Hisatsinom
According to oral history there was an end to the First and Second worlds, the first by fire and the second by ice. This follows in line with current scientific history. Rarely do I quote Ancient-Origins but some of this information was quite accurate, especially when mentioning the Ant People:
During these two global cataclysms, the virtuous members of the Hopi tribe were guided by an odd-shaped cloud during the day and a moving star at night that led them to the sky god named Sotuknang, who finally took them to the Ant People—in Hopi, Anu Sinom . The Ant People then escorted the Hopi into subterranean caves where they found refuge and sustenance.
The Ant People are portrayed as generous and industrious, giving the Hopi food when supplies ran short and teaching them the merits of food storage. In fact, another legend says that the reason why the ants have such thin waists today is because they once deprived themselves of provisions in order to feed the Hopi.
This sort of reminded me of the first Anglo settlers and how the Native Americans taught them how to live in this particular landscape.
The Ant People
What was even more interesting to me was when I read this:
When Orion dominates the winter skies, the ants are deep in their small underground hills. These structures are similar in form to the Hopi kivas, which are subterranean communal prayer chambers. Coincidentally the Sanskrit word ki means “ant hill” and va means “dwelling.” Each February inside their kivas the Hopi perform the Bean Sprouting Ceremony, or Bean Dance, called Powamu. During this time the fires are continuously kept ablaze, turning these structures into superb hot houses. The ritual commemorates a time when the Anu Sinom taught the Hopi how to sprout beans inside caverns in order to survive.
After visiting over 10 different archeological sites related to my ancestors this past month my feeling was very somber after seeing all the kivas. I'd seen a few prior to my visit but the recent visits combined with this challenge really brought the meaning together in appreciation. So many cultures have their ceremonies and sacred secrets, if an extraterrestrial was present then that would be quite an event. Think about it, to be able to sit next to ancient souls that looked as different as an ant and be given galactic information only privy to a select few that would appreciate this special contact. What an event!
Photo taken by @eaglespirit
During my visit to the Great Kiva located at the Lowry Pueblo in particular I noticed something very different than any of the other locations. Inside this kiva was the depiction of two figures that looked like insects. Before it came to my small human brain I realized it had to be insects, and then putting this information together wit the Ant People this made perfect sense. Whether or not the elders will confirm this to me is yet to be realized. When I go to the reservation during the yearly celebration I will be sure to ask.
Photo taken by @eaglespirit
What makes these shapes so unusual from the other kivas that I observed are the antlers and stinger on the left ancient structure. For all the other kivas I visited the shape is simply circular in nature. I will be showing a lot more ancient sites in future blogs. As a matter of information sharing purposes and fitting with this subject matter, it was only fitting to share these photos I took just a couple of weeks ago.
One final thought that I found intriguing from the Ancient Origins article was:
The Babylonian sky god was named Anu. The Hopi word for “ant” is also anu, and the Hopi root word naki means “friends.” Thus, the Hopi Anu-naki, or “ant friends,” may have been the same as the Sumerian Anu-naki — the beings who once came to Earth from the heavens.
If you are a fellow conspiracy theorist or as @youhavewings and I have discussed, we like to say "truth seekers," then the Anu-naki are people you may be well familiar with. This piece of information sent chills down my spine. I've heard this many times in relations to the Hisatsinom, but it's still a little creepy every single time.
Hopi and The Anu-naki
If you have not heard of the Anu-naki the basic understanding is that they were the gods of Babylon and Mesopotamia. Some people surmise they are genetically engineered Beings and others claim they are the fallen angels cast out of heaven -- The Nephilim.
The author of the above article from Ancient Explorers claims the Anu-naki are lizard representations here on earth and their name translates as dragon or big serpent.
A few websites and belief system like Ancient Explorers would like humankind to have the understanding that the Anu-naki were of a higher breed of species and had man as slaves. Whilst this might be true, the choice is yours on whether to accept this rendition. My feeling is that this part of the story is not accurate.
In most of the ancient petroglyphs The Ant People are helping humankind not enslaving them. Oral history according to the Hopi states The Ant People left due to discord on earth caused by an imbalance and when the balance is returned is when they will come back to earth. You decide.
Star People
Generally speaking, I refer to a group called the Manataka American Indian Council and they write on different sacred gatherings with the Native Americans. There is much truth in what is written but not everything is accurate. A recent article I found spoke about ancient history being prophesied and coming to fruition. There are signs that were given to determine when the Star People would return.
In the year 2017, a sacred meeting (fulfilling prophecy) about Star People occurred and this is what happened:
Standing Elk, Lakota Keeper of the Six-Pointed Star Nation Altar, in his opening remarks noted that Medicine Men have the ability to communicate with the spiritual conscious entities of Mother Earth, such as the Eagle, the Deer, and the Coyote, as well as the Star Nations.
The Star Nations were the most crucial of all entities, because the thought of other races communicating with the grassroots [indigenous] people would create a major threat to the religious systems, the economy and educational system of any government.
The greatest fear in the governmental structures was the knowledge that all forms of `Star Governments' had no monetary systems within their governing structures. Their (Star Visitors') system was based on the mental, spiritual and universal laws with which they were too mentally and spiritually intelligent to break.
The collapse of the monetary system within the United States Government and the Religious Denominations became a National Security issue, and so it became an easier task to make the Lakota/Dakota belief system illegal to participate [in] and practice."
Standing Elk added that "The Lakota/Dakota Medicine Men are now being instructed to share spiritual knowledge of the Star Nations, because of the contamination of Mother Earth and the pollution of the air."
He spoke of as a child witnessing large UFO ships flying down the nearby Missouri River valley, green balls of light four times larger than a school auditorium. Through portholes on the sides of these ships he could see shadows of persons inside. During one encounter he met a seven-foot-tall man in white clothes who appeared like a middle-aged Caucasian. The room was filled with light. It contained computer-like machines which operated on light and "the law of thought".
Standing Elk talked about meeting another Sioux Medicine Man who confirmed that there are Star Visitors. Some are like ants, with big, black eyes and long fingers and toes. Some live out in the cosmos and some on the other side of the Moon. Sioux legends relate that the Sioux had their origin from the Pleiades, with others coming from the Sirius and Orion systems.
Standing Elk related about having visitations in the sweat lodge from the "Gray" Zetas, who bear messages and provide answers to questions. Standing Elk talked about being visited by a five-foot-tall, orange-skinned Star Visitor with large eyes. He also mentioned blue and green Star People, and "a hundred other races you don't know about."
The above mentioned meeting did take place and when the elders speak amongst the Native American community, that means it is time to listen. When prophecy comes true then that is even more of a time to calm the senses and be a "truth seeker." I'm one of those people that when an Elder speaks I stop dead in my tracks to hear what is being said, especially from the Hopi who all prophecies foretold have come true.
Hopi & UFOs
Almost every Native American I have met has seen a "flying shield" and almost unheard of if you haven't seen one. Fortunately, I can say I've seen some very strange things in my life and even have a video to prove it.
An Oglala Sioux mystic known as Black Elk (1863-1950) who worked alongside Buffalo Bill during his Wild West Show, depicted one of his UFO encounters, proving that such meetings were not just some isolated event, but they were instead embedded into the lives and culture of Native Americans.
His experience is as follows:
So, when I went to vision quest, that disk came from above. The scientists call that an unidentified flying object, but that’s a joke, see? Because they are not trained, they lost contact with the wisdom, power and gift.”
So that disk landed on top of me. It was concave, and there was another on top of that. It was silent, but it lit and luminesced like neon lights…Then these little people came, but each little group spoke a different language.
They could read minds, and I could read their minds. I could read them. So there was silent communication. You could read it, like when you read silent symbols in a book. So we were able to communicate…They are human, so I welcomed them. I said, ‘Welcome, Welcome ...
These stories all sound about the same, but I haven't met ET ... yet! But let me show you what I did see.
If you caught my blog on Planet X then you know one of the reasons why I left a great job and moved to the mountains. Well, this is another reason, I did some research after capturing this video and found an article by NASA describing their experimentation of glitter clouds and another blog by Motherboard explaining the Rainbow Cloud of Space and Glitter and how this is a form of trying to communicate with ET and open doorways and/or realms.
If you know me, then you know I do not spook easily and if a few things happen well there is a reason. Nothing is a coincidence. This is my stance, and I will leave it up to you to make up your own mind on these matters. Nanu Nanu. If you don't know what that means, may Creator be with you. LOL! Peace.
Disclosure: Unfortunately, this was my second go around at getting this blog-post out since my first was completely deleted by busy.org. After writing approximately one thousand words -- Poof, Gone! You would think after college when they always remind you to save your work and us as a "modern society" always relying on the auto save. Well, when that doesn't work out and then we remember those dreaded words that our second draft will be better than our first. Phooey!
I decided to place the above paragraph at the end of this post, since I did recall most of the information. It's always best to remain positive without starting a post on a negative note. After going over the blog less than a day later, I made this change and added the kiva photos.
Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine woman in-training, first time blogger since November 2017, (right here on Steemit), paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the spirit world. Additionally, I'm the creator of #MedicineCardMonday, so if you are interested in receiving a Native American blessing stop by my blog every Monday, or just say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit