The Immigration Ban Steemit Challenge - 40 Steem in prizes

Steem Challenge #1 - 10 Steem Prize

Identify and share the section of the Constitution that grants any Alien the right to enter the United States at any time.

The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave

Steem Challenge #2 - 10 Steem Prize

Identify and share the provisions of that prevented President Trump from issuing the travel ban in the following laws:

  • The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)
  • Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015

REAL CRIME: The Elin Krantz Case (NSFW)

Steem Challenge #3 - 10 Steem Prize

This is a two parter;

  • First, Identify every Executive Order that President Obama issued that banned entry into the United States for certain classes of Aliens.
  • Second, Explain why Obama was justified in issuing these multiple EOs while Trump is not, using specific legal code.

A Complete List of Radical Islamic Terror Attacks on U.S. Soil Under Obama

Steem Challenge #4 - 10 Steem Prize

Explain how the 9th Circuit's decision to uphold the Federal government's control over immigration policy in Arizona v. United States would be consistent with that court upholding Washington State's "nationwide" ban on that ban.
You may ignore Washington State's lack of standing in answering this question

Los Zetas and Hezbollah, a Deadly Alliance of Terror and Vice


Since three of those questions are trick questions, and the fourth is hard to explain fully, I am offering this last question to actually get someone to win some Steem.

Explain the context of the following statement and relate its meaning to this post:

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Challenge Conditions

I will be the sole judge in awarding prizes. The can only be up to one winner in each challenge, and I will take the best answer in my opinion.
If you haven't observed my own bias up to this point, I can not help you if you spend ten hours compiling a list of Ministry of Truth talking points which I then snark at.

Additional References

Text of Trump's executive order on interior immigration enforcement

U.S.C. 1101 - Definitions

List of United States immigration laws

Executive Authority to Exclude Aliens: In Brief

The Past Six Presidents Have All Used The Executive Power To Block Certain Classes Of Immigrants

Trump's immigration ban executive order is clumsy, but perfectly legal

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Home To Texas: Recollections of a Texas Badman

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