Draw on Blockchain : Evangelion 初號機

Today I found a nanoblock of Evangelion 01 in a toy store 😱 I still remember when I was small, I watched it on TV (Cantonese version) and because some scenes are too bloody (people still had the thought of animation is cartoon for children only) were cut. Although most of us are watching Japanese anime in childhood, e.g. Doraemon, Sailormoon, we don't know any culture of Japan much. But this anime brings me to the world of knowing Japan culture and also learning Japanese. I joined elementary Summer course in local community center, listening to radio broadcast talking about Japan pop. I even changed my English nickname into Japanese as Asuka. Only my English class teacher knew how to pronounce, she like travel Japan a lot. In fact, she pronounced it like "Arska", I thought she was wrong at that time with my very limited knowledge. However, when I grow up, I heard a band name "Chaki and Aska", which Aska is Asuka. Also, later I heard this name in Japanese drama, it proved my English teacher is right 🧡

今天逛商場時發現了NANOBLOCK的EVA初號機,超想買!(不行,要節約)EVA是我最喜歡的動畫之一,小時候看的是兒童版,就很多有點血腥的場面也被剪掉。雖然一直在看日本的動畫,像多啦A夢、美少女戰士之類的,但從來不認識日本到底是啥。不過看完EVA就忍不住去學了一個暑假的日語班入門,聽日語流行曲的廣播。還硬改了一個學期的ASUKA做英文名字... 結果,只有喜歡到日本旅遊的英語老師會讀出來。怎麼說呢,那時候我覺得她讀的很奇怪,一般就很直覺地發音成A-SU-KA,但她就讀成A-S-KA這樣。很後來才想到,大概她是有在聽CHIKI & ASKA吧?到近年看日劇也留意到,人家真的這樣讀耶!英語老師你太神了🧡

Line 線稿

draw by Clip Studio Paint

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