Draw on Blockchain : First try on Adobe Sketch Android App 試用手機畫畫

I bought a new android phone recently, Sony XA1 Plus, a middle level one released on last year October. A testing of drawing on phone, I didn't do it before as my old phone screen is too small and very slow :-| Abstract style is satisfied on ADOBE SKETCH APP. I also tried the preinstalled sketch app, but ADOBE's brush is better. I use finger this time, let me buy a stylus.

最近買了新電話,是SONY 的XA1 PLUS,上年十月出的中階機。初試了在電話上畫畫,因為舊的手機屏幕太小了,而且跑的太慢,什麼都做不到xD 我用的是ADOBE SKETCH APP,抽象或者簡約風能輕鬆CARRY。預載的SKETCH應用也能畫,但是還是ADOBE的筆刷較多樣化,調節也比較有彈性。要去買一支觸控筆~

Screen Capture

draw by Photoshop Sketch App
on Sony XA1 Plus

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