Draw on Blockchain : Goodbye Snowman 再見雪人

Spring comes, but the temperature is still unstable. The sunshine today is perfect, enjoyed a little bit on the way to office. A sudden drops in temperature and I got cold when I back home x_X Sleep after dinner and now still the same. Thank you colleagues' helps and suggestions I made a little achievement. But I am still not efficient. Not very familiar with the new kind of task, draw freely and draw for purpose with own idea with guides. Say goodbye to snowman, and see you soon.

春天到了但氣溫還沒有穩定。早上才在路上享受了清風與陽光,晚上冷傷風了@@ 吃過晚飯就睡了一會。工作做的是新的挑戰,自己畫亂來的跟有限制下的發揮果然不同。感謝同事們的意見和幫忙,繼續加油,質素和效率太有進步空間@@

Line 線稿

draw by Clip Studio Paint

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