Draw on Blockchain : Magnetic Fishing 釣魚機

Few days ago, I saw a thread in local forum about "how was the life without smart phone in the past". My childhood was in the world without smart phone, even computer was not so popular, and my parents didn't buy any handheld game console. What I played was some toy like this old fashioned magnetic fishing toy. This was one of my favourite games. Actually a little bit stupid, haha. The fishes wouldn't escape and just open and close their mouth for you to catch. So I played with timer, pick all of them within limited time or challenged for new high speed record. The old days without smart phone... seems a long story.

前幾天看到論壇一條討論,說到底還沒有手機時我們到底怎樣過。我的童年是完全沒有手機的年代啦,家裡也不買遊戲機。回想起來大概就是玩這種釣魚機已經很「智能」了。其實它有點蠢,魚咀只是一張一合的,一定能釣到好不好xDD 所以只有不停挑戰高速完成或者倒數計時之類的。沒有手機的日子似近還遠,好像還能說好久。

Outline in black and white 黑白原稿

draw by Clip Studio Paint

3 columns
2 columns
1 column