Draw on Blockchain : Miss Dior 香水

Last Sunday I was given a small test sample of perfume of Dior, with a ribbon gift card. I seldom use perfume, but still have some, I like sweet smell and lovely bottles :D The mostly used recently is Majolica Majorca's. I have very sensitive smell and heavy smell fragrance will make me feel sick. It will be hell for me if there is a lady next to me with heavy fragrance in the rush hour train. And the Dior one I am a bit regret bring it home... the tester and gift ribbon card make my nose allergic. Fail to be pretty and sentimental like Natalie Portman in the PV which I like so much..

星期天拿了一份DIOR的香水試用,還有一張用絲帶包成的小卡片。我不常用香水,但也擁有一些,大概都是甜香味,還有一些因為外表而買的小瓶裝。最近都在用MAJOLICA MAJORCA的,都是甜味為主。因為我的鼻很敏感,一些強烈香味都會讓我鼻子很辛苦,還有不停流眼淚。如果在人擠的地鐵裡剛好站了一位濃味女士,那整個早上就毀了。而這DIOR的試用結果令我有點後悔,因為它味道好嗆,是我受不了的香,到我現在打開抽屜也會敏感打噴嚏...... 那很吸引我的廣告裡NATALIE PORTMAN帥氣轉身問「為了愛情你願意付出甚麼?」,我的答案應該是鼻涕和眼淚吧。

Line 線稿

draw by Clip Studio Paint

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