Draw on Blockchain : The Lantern Festival Night 元宵

Happy weekend:D Although can't say too much about the details of the job (I think better not), it is a new challenge to me and I hope things go smooth. "An aggressive normal mind". This is the Chinese Valentine's Day on Friday (2nd Mar), the 15th day of the CNY. A beautiful full moon, and in the past people went to "lantern party". The paper with riddles, eating sweet rice dumping, going to temple. A fantasy and romantic night in my mind about this day, mainly comes from a famous Chinese poem called, "Lantern Festival Night". I found a translation by a master, Xu Yuanchong. I like this poem very much >< Enjoy it!

The Lantern Festival Night —
to the tune of Green Jade Table
One night's east wind adorns a thousand trees with flowers.
And blows down stars in showers.
Fine steeds and carved cabs spread fragrance en route;
Music vibrates from the flute;
The moon sheds its full light,
While fish and dragon lanterns dance all night.
In gold-thread dress, with moth or willow ornaments,
Giggling, she melts into the throng with trails of scents.
But in the crowd once and again, I look for her in vain.
When all at once I turn my head,
I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.


周末!!!這兩天都在做之前未有做過的東西,希望順順利利,保持進取的平常心(自己作的)。剛過了元宵節,想起上一年中秋的「台灣的燈籠是元宵才出現,中秋是不玩燈籠」的衝擊。香港也應該有花燈看,但有點小感冒的感覺,是穿太多也出事。所以回家睡覺了... 然後,元宵不能不提經典中學中文課範文《青玉案・元夕》了,中文精練一點,複製上來欣賞一下:



Outline in black and white 黑白原稿

draw by Clip Studio Paint

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