Draw on Blockchain : The Mighty Fox 狐假虎威

A Chinese old story and four-words phrase. I am not sure the official translation but I found the general meaning that means "assuming the high authority of someone else". The direct translate is "a fox borrows the pride from tiger". One day, a tiger caught a fox. The fox said he is the most powerful animal in forest authorized by the God. If tiger eat him, the God will punish tiger. If tiger doesn't believe him, he can bring tiger to have a walk in the forest and see how animal being scared by him. The fox walks in front of the tiger to the forest and every animals frightened and escaped. The tiger trusted the fox and let him goes. Do you think the animals are really scared by the fox? Haha. It is a negative phrase, now usually use for describe cunning people take advantage of powerful backup in order to put other up or bullying.

想畫一下動物,所以找來了有動物的成語^^ 狐假虎威是小學生必學的了,當初聽到這故事覺得狐狸太SMART了!雖然這是負面的成語,但在臨危自救這方面不得不佩服狐狸的機智呀!哈哈!

by Photoshop / Layers demo

Layer of animals 動物分佈

With background. At first I wanted to draw a pale one, but later changed the mind as I think the story should be more strong in contrast. So spent sometimes on tuning color.

Finished 完成

Reference : http://rthk9.rthk.hk/elearning/yangtl/mailbox_p39.htm

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