Draw on Blockchain : Time to sleep 瞓覺

Tomorrow I have to start new work at office, back to 9 to 5 life. Best luck to me. I hope tonight won't dream too much. I always have active dream and wake up like played a virtual reality game for whole night. sigh. Dream is interesting, but I really want to sleep...🤦‍♀️ In Cantonese Chinese, we call sleeping :瞓, the 目 means eye and 訓 means teaching, training and rules. I need no training, but rest.. 😂

明天要回每天朝十晚六生活了,祝我好運吧。只希望晚上睡覺不要太作太多夢,常常像玩了一整晚虛擬實景遊戲一樣,累透了我。發夢好有趣,但我也真的想睡得安穩一點喇!🤦‍♀️ 睡的廣東話是瞓,我覺得不是目的訓練,是要目的休息好不好...😂

Outline in black and white 黑白原稿

draw by Clip Studio Paint

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1 column