Draw on Blockchain : Unicorn 獨角獸

Random drawing of Unicorn. A new work will start on March and need to go to work with normal working hour. Plan to adjust the biological clock from now and in the Feb. Sad that I am a night-active type of person... Start form secondary school age, I had a period that nap around 10pm and woke up around 1am for study. I enjoyed this but my teacher thought this is not good and suggested my stopping this habit. After enter university, it likes a paradise as many creative people are tribe of night. Shooting, writing, programming til the birds wake up.

正在調較夜型人生理時鐘,三月預定要回到日照生活@@ 中學有一段時間喜歡十點左右小睡,一點左右起來溫習。但老師知道後說不能這樣,要我改過來。後來進大學,媒體製作學系不乏夜型人。深夜寫劇本寫編碼的大有人在,知音處處。曾幾何時只要誰在即時通訊說「鳥鳴了...」必能喚來一堆回應。

Outline in black and white 黑白原稿

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