<谷哥點名> 第三回 夢 : 夢的解釋 Interpretation of Dreams

<谷哥點名> 第三回 夢 : 夢的解釋 Interpretation of Dreams

這是我的第一次參加 @jubi的SEO比賽 (link) 嗯?!第一次已經完了!?那唯有寫吧!



This is my first time participating @jubi ’s SEO contest, even the first time contest was ended :P This time is dream. Today, I want to share a dream to you. I had dreamed this dream many times in my childhood. When I grew up, I didn’t dream it any more. But still remember it clearly. Hope won’t dream it again, may be only dream it for reminiscence.

I drew it as a little improvise comic^^

夢 Dream

它大概是由這幾個場景構成的。在很擠的升降機裡,看著兩排發光的按鈕,而我的目的地是不知道多少層的地下下面。出去之後是一個很廣闊但很陰深的車庫。一排排的地下鐵 (有時是火車)排列著,都不動的,死寂得像墓地。另外一個畫面是在油麻地地鐵站月台。又是昏暗,而且只有我一個人。每次我都會走到月台邊沿。那時候還在沒有幕門的年代,我探頭出去,看到邊沿有一塊告示牌。我不明白那是甚麼意思,只見有四個人形的東西在上面...

I was in a crowded elevator, facing 2 rolls of bright button, and I knew it was going down but not sure how deep. Finally, I arrived a large depot. Dim and endless, feel like a cemetery. Then, the view jumped to Yau Ma Tai MTR platform. Again, it was dark and only myself. It was the age did not have platform screen door. I walked to the edge of the platform and saw a notice hanging on the edge, with four blur people icon.

夢的解釋 The Interpretation

I always visit ENT clinic when I was small by MTR.
The senior nurse still recognizes me when I grew up.
Besides the Nathan Centre,
the elevator and Yao Ma Tei Station were deeply planted in my mind


Once I had otitis media. My ear needed to be covered by athletic warp. It was extremely sticky. When I tried to remove it I couldn’t stop my tears… And once, my toast got stuck by phlegm. I visited the clinic again and pumped it out by a machine. It looks like Alien movie.
I went Yau Ma Tei by MTR, one stop early, i.e. Mongkok, the train would usually stop for a half minute in the tunnel. Sometimes I could see another train passing and it feels like meet another spaceship in the lonely space, say a hello and never meet again. I wondered how large is the underground.
That’s it, the fragments make my dream in my unconscious mind.

後記 Epilogue

The ENT problem becomes not that serious when I grew up.
This dream becomes an old little memory.
At about 15 yrs, my classmates suggested to go Sino Centre in Mongkok,
where was a place containing the most popular things, like
CD, magazines, mangas, toys, etc.
I had no idea where exactly it is. On that day, it was the first time I had a hang out there.
And the first time look at the Nathan Centre from the opposite side.


This is my dream. Let me type it again for SEO (will it work? haha)
Our brain is fun, right? To me, every time I go to sleep like going to theater, Dreams like flying or adventure will make me more tired; dream about people passed away will cry; meet colleagues in secondary school classroom make me confused. Dreams always brings surprise. What did you dream last night?

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