Funding Sndbox and Our Plans for High-Impact Steemit Growth


Sndbox is a global incubator program striving to integrate Steemit and other blockchain technologies into creative, organizational, and entrepreneurial efforts.

Today, we will explain how exactly we’re financing and growing this effort to empower new users for the greatest amount of professional impact within the Steemit platform.

Financing a Full-Time Initiative

At Sndbox, we have a business and incubation strategy with the sole mission of integrating Steemit into impactful creative and entrepreneurial practices. Our core belief is the more Steemit and the STEEM blockchain is used for productive and professional means, the stronger this online community will become.

How will we support this project?

We understand that this is the first time (we believe) that someone is attempting to internally monetize a professional service on Steemit. We want to be 100% transparent with our business model and make sure there are no misunderstandings but instead more opportunities for Steemians to be involved.

Initially, we (@voronoi and @hansikhouse) have each put in 1,000 STEEM to kickstart this effort and grow the @sndbox account quickly. Additionally, we're publishing consistent and highly informative posts will stimulate a central resource to support new Sndbox members and all Steemians.

With each of our members, we’ll be collecting a monthly due (in SBD). In the early stages while the @sndbox and members’ accounts are gaining momentum, dues will be reduced to whatever SBD they can afford that month. We’ll never charge USD or any fiat currency for the incubation service and resources. For membership dues we’ll be able to provide the following list of services and benefits :

Membership Structure

Coaching : Daily one on one support. Steemit has a learning curve that we aim to accelerate our members through.
Editing : Help with formatting and translations.
Feedback : We will support our bloggers with ideas and advice on structuring STEEM-powered projects.
Promotion : Visibility is important. Our incubator has weekly member spotlights, highlighting newbies and helping our members raise awareness for the issues and projects important to them.
@sndbox upvote : We reward strong and creative content. Consistent support will help retain talented Steemit contributors and help them engage their audience.100 SBD monthly maximum*

*Members can lower their membership fee by nominating new Steemians. Each nomination will be rewarded with 25 SBD (up to 50 SBD or two nominations per month.) This incentivizes the growth of the incubator network and the growth of Steemit as a whole!


How @Sndbox Will Vote

To ensure that members earn more rewards for impactful work, we’re implementing the following :

  • A curation trail to support @sndbox’s votes on not only Sndbox members but also all new Steemians who pursue creative endeavors on this website.
  • Delegation from supportive Steemians to strengthen the Sndbox vote, related material and projects.
  • A community board of “Sndbox Stewards” to help cultivate new members on the platform. These select and existing Steemit users will provide critique and curatorial support.

This account will aim to support both Sndbox members as well as all Steemians with similar community impact and creative missions in mind. The @sndbox collective vote, which includes all of the organization’s participants, will be reserved for the following -

  • Sndbox Member posts will receive a 100% upvote.
  • New Steemians (introduceyourself) with content related to creative or entrepreneurial practices will receive a 20% upvote.
  • Posts about high-impact creative projects and initiatives will receive a 50% upvote.

We also want to make sure that abuse of the Sndbox vote does not occur internally and is not used for purposes other than our foundational mission of impact growth. @Sndbox will not vote on content from personal accounts @voronoi and @hansikhouse. We will also not vote on member posts that fail to meet quality standards we aim to uphold.

Where will the Membership Fees go?

We decided on a membership system at as it would best equip us to expand the footprint of our incubator and impact community as effectively as possible. A minimum of 50% of SBD received through memberships will be converted to STEEM power to help grow the account. The other 50% of these dues will go towards support costs of maintaining the incubator service including programming and projects throughout the year. This will include offline programs in New York City through our official Meetup Channel, community projects like STEEM Park, and a growing portfolio of educational, transformative, and engaging projects that are nurtured within the Sndbox network.

Our specific goal for growth at Sndbox is a consistent and high-retention rate of users who will use the STEEM blockchain to its fullest. It isn’t about the number of individuals but rather the impact of each of those new users. If we can attract the best talent that can most utilize the power of the Steemit network, we will be succeeding at attaining our goal.

How You Can Get Involved and Support the Initiative?

We’re working on ways that Steemians can be involved in supporting Sndbox work, referring new and existing members to the network, and helping cultivate a big presence in New York City and worldwide. Here are some of our initial outlets to be involved -

  • Follow our Curation Trail here
    (Streemian is currently undergoing maintenance!)
  • Consider delegating us STEEM Power.
  • Direct us to new and existing content that aligns with our missions for creative and entrepreneurial growth.
  • Follow @sndbox for weekly spotlights on projects and new members!

Becoming a Sndbox Member

We've been getting a lot of requests by existing Steemit users to join the Sndbox network. We're still in the early stages of on-boarding brand new members and refining our resources in this effort. In the coming weeks we'll be rolling out a referral system where Sndbox members can nominate existing Steemit members to lower their monthly dues and draw talented content creators into the incubator network. This nomination process will be designed to aid the growth of Steemit as a whole, incentivizing strong content, mentorship and impact. We're striving to implement a way for Sndbox to grow organically, without the bias of individual interests and instead cater to the interests of the network whole. Stay tuned for updates in the next couple weeks.


For this post especially, we would really appreciate your feedback. This is the outline of the approach we will be pursuing for the coming months and we are always looking to improve and strengthen our game plan. Thank you so much for your support!

Follow us @sndbox


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