Why Indian Cryptocurrency Exchanges Must Fight Against RBI's Mandate!

Let's face it, cryptocurrency prices in India have been shaken up badly in the last few weeks. We used to constantly remain on par if not 3-5% higher than international prices until 6th of April and now we're constantly 3-10% below.

RBI's ruling had a devastating effect in the first few days of its ruling before things settled down eventually. Prices for purchase and sale are lower today than it was before and volumes are down as well. It doesn't help the market that one of the top Bitcoin exchange 'Coinsecure' is currently inoperative after their Bitcoin theft incident.

Suffice to say Indian cryptocurrency market is in a bit of a trouble. We've got our work cut out for us. But, we'll get through this in the long run.

Thugs of India

Reserve Bank of India on the 6th of April decided to impose an oppressive mandate preventing any of their regulated entities from rendering services to these exchanges or businesses dealing in cryptocurrencies. Bankers obliged.

Many bankers have been tightening their noose around exchanges for sometime. But a few banks are currently rending services to the exchanges which has kept things moving. These draconian laws and mandates need to be stopped. Banks need to first prevent scams and frauds instead of chasing easy targets like crypto-exchanges.

Bankers forget that 'our money is not bank's money!' They are just custodians of our money. They just hold it for us as a middle man of trust. The money in its entirety is ours and our alone!

This important fact is completely ignored and often forgotten by these thugs in power. Preventing the citizens to exercise their right to invest in financial instruments of their choice is unconstitutional.

RBI's Irrational Concerns

A lawyer Yusuf listed out the following points and they need to be considered by each of us and all of the exchanges in our fight against the RBI. It
points out some facts in the case and tells you why in someways how our exchanges have a case against the RBI and they can fight it out.

Luckily for us, pCoinRecoil is already doing that in the Delhi High Court and the next hearing is scheduled on the 24th of May. There's a lot at stake. P2P exchange outlets have existed since forever now but the prices in p2p exchange generally suck.

Haste makes waste

There's no better way of putting it across. I've come across various Steemians who have exited their positions in cryptos they held out of fear of RBI's decision and incurred big losses due to their haste.

This battle will continue as the government machinery itself is in two minds about banning cryptocurrency. One part of the government wants a ban on trading but other wants to regulate it. We'll just have to wait and see which way the pendulum swings.

Exchanges in the meantime have options to register themselves abroad and some have done it in Singapore and Estonia. This allows them to carry on certain operations or render p2p services without being in the jurisdiction of the Indian government.

Now it's a matter of time before we know how things go. Hold on to your tokens and don't sell them just yet. The market is turning around and if you can brace these difficult times you are likely to come out on top at the end of the struggle.

Link to Petition!

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