Information Finding Championship- Season 1: Round 27 entry- Alphabet writing

This post is an entry for the Information Finding Championship hosted by @apolymask.
The theme of this round is writing in alphabetical order. The description of the round is below.

Write 4 sentences with every word starting with the corresponding letter of the alphabet. For example if you start with the letter A the next word would have to start with B and the following word C and so on until all 26 letters are used. You may start with any letter of the alphabet, but must continue with the next letter for the next word and so on. For example starting with J next word would start with K and so on. Ideally we would like the sentences to be as structured as you can.

If you are interested in joining you can find more information right here.

My Entry

So, I started with the letter T, and I am not going to lie to you guys, things got somewhat weird because I thought I would make it about an ugly vermin. That became a Venonat, and then I had to find an adverb starting with x, which is not smooth and well, it just went from there.... so anyways...

The Ugly Venonat

The ugly Venonat wandered xenophobically yearning zealous apartheid. Bewildered cool Dragonite erupted furiously grappled him, instantly jamming knowledge lengthily. Meanwhile, Nidorans openly played quaint recorded shanties. The ugly Venonat was X'ed.

20180417_105312.jpg This is where my mind took me with this...I blame /r/justneckbeardthings 😂

I tend to write about life in Korea as a foreigner, food, photos from trips, and things teaching related. If that interest you and you like this post, please give me a vote and follow 👍
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Until then,
Ride on!


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