Information Finding Championship - Season 1: Round 13 tie breaker entry

This is the Tiebreaker Round 13 Showdown between @plushzilla and @bengy. This lightweight fight tonight is brought to you by @apolymask and the Information Finding Championship (@ifc).In the interests of fairplay, I have linked to my opponent's post for easy comparison.

Shilling for @bengy

Where to begin with @bengy, to begin with he is Australian, combining the analytical with the creative in his studies in both Music and Science. It is impossible to have a more perfect combination of brain use and nationality!

On Steemit, @bengy demonstrates impeccable taste, being active members in the Information Finding Championship (@ifc) as well as the Newbiegames initiative (@newbiegames). Having multiple steem accounts allows @bengy to seamlessly switch between different communities, adpating his alter ego to the appropriate situation. @bengy is also a lover of word games, having come up with word game contests and also being an active participant in word games on Steemit. Chiasmi, anyone? Idioms?

In short, @bengy is an impressive specimen of a representative for @ifc. Here is a post to further extol his virtues

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