Information Fighting Championship: Round 26: Philosophy. The first Swolesomeism aka what's a motto with you?!

Philosophy is the study of life itself with a dash of ego I don't care what Webster says. It seems like every movie and tv show has some deep philosphical meaning. From dialogue repeated during the plot to the long ramblings of the villian. Which is basically the screen writer thinking he is so damn witty and original.

Every dime-a-dozen preacher gives his input on how he interpreted that bible excerpt.

I could go on. What makes my philosphy/motto different is mine annoyed the hell out of me until I began to use it. And it kinda works. Someone asks me for what my personal philosophy is. If it pisses me off it has to be true right?

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By far the most despised expression I can think of is something my old youth pastor said all the damn time.
"It is what it is."

I can not even begin to explain the level of absurd aggravation that gave me.
What does that even mean my teen self would think. That things are set in stone?

Fast forward years later. I was speaking with a friend of mine she was contemplating going back to an ex. They had the whole Ross & Rachel on and off again complex. She hated the idea of him dating a "slut" so she kept him close and she still cared for him but not enough to be with him.
I told her something tha drove her insane like the earlier quote did to me.
"If it's meant to be then it's meant to be."
After she puffed back down I was better able to explain it. "If you wanted to be with him now then you already would be. However if you're meant to be with him forever then you'd put yourself in his circle and strive for that level of commitment but you havent."
She stared at me for a few seconds and pulled up her snapchat. And broke it off completely from him, no loose ends, no more drama, no more over analyzing from both parties.
She could finally heal. Few weeks later she zinged me back. I was allegedly "complaining" about my muscle mass and how I didn't have time to workout and hated my body.
With an almost sing-song voice she said back to me. "If it's meant to be then it's meant to be."
The look I shot her made her sides hurt from laughing so hard. She patted the seat next to her. She crossed her legs and like a cheasy Psychatrist stroked her imaginary goatee.
"Do you want to stay super skinny?"
"Are you tired of girls ignoring you because you're so skinny like you so constantly bitch about?"
"I don't constantly-."
Her cocked eyebrow made me shut up. She adjusted her imaginary clipboard and pretended to write down some notes.
"I only bitch a little."
She smiled with a pitiful head shake.
"We are going to work out. Because it's meant to be that you'll have a body you're going to be proud of for once."
The self assured walk as she left the room made me hate that confidence and love it at the same time.


The philosophy I have tried to apply ever day is that one I told her and she used back on me. If you want something but don't work for it. Then it was not meant to be for you. Like that hot girl you had a crush on but never had the guts back in high school to let her know you existed. Now she has like five kids with different dads and isn't so hot anymore. Some things are just not meant to be.

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Dodging that BS like.

If you want to get fincially stable from crypto but don't apply yourself then its not meant to be. Not until you fully apply yourself on Steemit. You can create capital from writing and networking! Tell me the last time Facebook gave you more than drama, wasted time and a poke war? Look at someone like my favorite crypto side piece @battleaxe (please don't hurt me BA). if I had half of her badassery self-disipline I would have quit my job and do this daily for kicks.

She is the golden rule. It's meant to be because she makes it that way.

So kids remember.
If it's meant to be. Make it happen.

Timon and Pumba had Hakuna Matata.

@swolesome has this.

I am a close second! Close!

But for reals shes the Patron Saint of all thats good here. Check her out.

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