Bias in this account - Curator @truthforce


This is @truthforce signing on to help out the Informationwar effort!

Fighting in the Information War requires a lot of effort, truth, context, honesty, logic, and overall a knack for fighting it. I will use this post to describe who I am, why I am helping to contribute to the fight for Truth, what my Biases are, and some other stuff about me.

I am center moderate/right. I have always been registered as independent. I value the truth over any political party/ideology and always will.

I will always orient myself to the truth eventually. The reason I say eventually, is because it takes a great deal of effort of talking to people who have the facts/reading/seeing in video the facts and other context that puts things into perspective. Finding out the truth is VERY TIME CONSUMING, but also the most important thing someone can do. The 100% truth cannot always be known, and I fully admit I can be wrong, just as anyone can be wrong and not know something.

I think @stevescoins made a really great post about political identity here that I think best describes the right/left/center and in-between. @stevescoins/what-is-leftism-what-is-rightism-why-are-there-so-many-different-interpretations

I really dislike bullies, because I was bullied pretty badly when I was a kid/teenager. I will fight with people who try to intimidate/bully/spread propaganda/lie.

The bullying thing resolved itself eventually. Well... After I defended myself in one of the situations It was a pretty toxic situation where I was a new kid at a school and many football players would team up on me and hit/punch/trip/steal from me on a regular basis. Teachers never cared, and the ones who did never saw it happen because the bullies made sure to do it when no teachers were around. It lasted for about a year before I did something about it myself. Bullies only admire/respond to power. When I first saw him after we got back to school from suspension, he said to me "Hey, how was your vacation?", with a smile(and 2 very black eyes). I told him not to talk to me. And that was that, never to be bothered again.

I also have in the past stood up for others who were being bullied. Despite not having a lot of friends in general throughout my life, the ones I did have I stood up for. I was kind of an outcast(due to a former best friend spreading rumors and lies about me and bullying me).

Now a days something like that doesn't particularly bother me, I saw it for what it was and generally accepted I wasn't going to win the battle with my former best friend. He won in a game I wasn't even playing against him in... Ah, being young and naive!!!

Anyone who teams up in a group to intimidate is in the wrong and we need to call out all sides on this

Seriously. Forming groups of interest and peacefully protesting/doing positive things to make change is one thing. Rioting and burning and looting and beating people of the opposite side is bad. I don't care who is doing it. It is wrong. Having free speech in the USA is the ultimate way of combating violence, working out problems like civilized human beings that we are is how we prevent violence from happening.

What we have right now in America is decades of a break down in the systems of critical thinking/debate/analysis. My goal is to fix that. To fix this toxicity and create a more voluntary society that is decentralized and outside of these terrible backwards systems. Big Pharma, MSM, Google/Facebook, Banksters, the list goes on with the many things slowly turning us all against one another for profit and power. I absolutely despise big centralized networks.

One of my main goals will be to unite more people together through comedy, facts, reason, evidence, arguments, and having long discussions to show them the importance of listening to all sides.


I have a Bachelors in Information Systems, 3 Minors related to this field. Computer Science background since 9th grade. Though I have not specifically studied intelligence/COINTELPRO/OPSEC and that kind of stuff, I inherently know about it through the many forums I have been on over the years in my dealing with people.

There is more to this, but I don't usually put out too many details about myself. Only a select few have had conversations with me in more depth on steemit chat.

Attitude and personality

Hmm. Due to all of the things that happened to me in life, I generally am a pretty good troll and a jolly one at that. I kind of developed that attitude due to my circumstances. I really valued truth growing up because it was something I had to utilize a lot. I learned very early in life to ABSOLUTELY HATE LIARS WITH A PASSION. People who mislead/lie are my number one enemy and I will go after you.

I am a nice person if you are a nice person to me. I give people the benefit of the doubt most of the time(unless their post history indicates otherwise). I enjoy talking about anything. Politics, cryptocurrency, decentralization, free speech, gun rights, human rights, gaming, whatever!


I grew up playing Sega when it just came out, then had a Super Nintendo, N64, Playstation 1, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox one, Gaming PC. I am extremely skilled in FPS/MMO games, literally in the top .0001% for skill in Battlefield/Call of Duty/Star Wars Battlefront/Counter Strike/Halo, whatever. My K/D is always higher than 2.0. It is very possible I could compete in tournaments if I gave up my job and that is all I did. I have been extremely rich in every MMO game I have played that had a marketplace, I really enjoy figuring out systems and how to profit/utilize them.

I AM BIASED TOWARDS LIKING XBOX ONE. I absolutely hate the Playstation controller, every single one of them sucks in my opinion.

PC Gaming is clearly better than all consoles, I am PC MASTER RACE. I don't play with WASD on PC, instead I developed my own keyboard play style. My keyboard is 45 degrees tilted to the right, I play with the Number Pad + buttons around it. It is superior as WASD on most keyboards if skewed from eachother, as in the keys aren't directly lined up and down, which can cause you to mis-press keys.

I have a few guns. Anyone who believe guns should be taken away can scamper off. The cops always take 15 to 30 mins to get to you, I have had bad things happen where I am glad I had my gun lets just say.

I enjoy listening to a lot of symphony music, electronica, dubstep, hardcore, screamo, death metal, punk, rock, old rock, mellow stuff and jazz.

My personal favorite song lyric is this "Savor the dark and we'll turn the lights on brighter, than ever before!!!" From this song right here :)

My way of thinking, in general, is to be as factual/logical/contextual/honest as possible

You may see me posting some memes and trolling from time to time, and I am also perfectly happy to switch into Analytical mode as well!

I sexually identify as Spartan 117 Master Chief from Halo 3. Yes that is a joke. But I do see myself as a truth warrior just like he is.

Any other questions feel free to ask!!! :)

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