Fact Check: The Largest concentration of Nuclear Waste in the World, is in the U.S.A.

We are approaching 100,000 metric tons;

and that does NOT even include Military Nuclear waste facilities..

The top 5 states that contain the most civilian Nuclear waste sites are as follows

  • #1 New York with 79 sites
  • #2 Ohio with 57 sites
  • #3 Pennsylvania with 48
  • #4 Illinois with 38
  • #5 following close behind Illinois is tiny New Jersey, with 37 Nuclear waste sites

The following Map shows only the civilian Nuclear Waste facilities, there are many, many more Military operated Waste Facilities throughout the country and especially in the South Western states..
also note the color red as the most Earthquake active areas, followed by orange and yellow..
Map courtesy of Global Research

2018 PDF
Civilian Nuclear Waste Disposal
from the Congressional Research Service

above document: Shows the need for new storage facilities to handle the preponderance of spent Nuclear fuel already stacked in the pools on site at the reactors..


the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has permitted reactor operations to store four times more waste in the spent fuel pools than they’re designed to handle; with intent to defer the spent fuel storage crisis..

The unnerving reality for anyone living within 50 miles of a reactor or a storage facility; is that a leak could cause you to have to completely relocate; or face the magnified life shortening consequences of cancer; and your home, no matter how valuable before the event, would now be essentially worthless.

from my personal experience with Concrete; it does NOT last forever; over time cracks appear; any facility over 30 years old must surely be in danger of leaking..

The Department of energy feels it has done a good job at protecting the public Health
from dangerous Radiation

with Cancer rates at an all time high;
i think, therefore i disagree....

it's safe to say the whole Nuclear Energy debacle is finally revealed for the unsustainable abomination that it is..
Do what you think is best for your family now !!

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