Do you know your news bias? Check your opinion versus this chart

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How do you view the biases of the organizations in this chart? Do you think the chart is accurate?

For me...

I think we can move everything that is on the left side of the chart one (or even two) stages to the right, with a couple of exceptions

I'll also say that the term "garbage" should be replace by the term "extreme", and I'll note that I have found InfoWars more credible than the major players on several events, most especially in terms of police use-of-force incidents.

The specifics

  • Slide AP, Reuters, The Economist, and the WSJ to High-Quality-Leans Left
  • Dump The Texas Tribune into Mixed-Quality, Hyperpartisan Left
  • Move The Hill up to High Quality, but note that it has provided some good articles on Clinton and Deep State corruption over the last three years (is this why it was labeled as Mixed?)
  • Put Real Clear Politics on a moveable track, from Leans Right to Leans Left; I think it's bias is determined by who is writing any given article, and I've seen it go both ways
  • Dump Media Matters to Poor Quality, Extreme Left; it's a DNC front group
  • I thought all C-Span did was televise hearings, but then again I don't sit down to watch politicians and burrocrats lie ;>
  • Shift the quality of The Daily Caller and Breitbart up to the line between High and Mixed quality. The Daily Caller can be almost unusable with the amount of pop-ups it uses.
  • Move The CATO Institute and Reason over to Extreme Right; Jump The Mises Institutite up a quality level and place it with these others.
  • The Drudge Report is Garbage Right? LOL, it's a collection of news items, not a source

Did you see any bias in the way these organizations were defined?

I did, but I'm biased.

However, let me note that charts of these sort can be helpful...especially when you use the method to create them yourself!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column