Former FBI Agent: Deep State Exists and Is Trying to Bring Down Trump

Former FBI Agent: Deep State Exists and Is Trying to Bring Down Trump

Former FBI agent John Ligato has some things he wants to share with you.

Who is Ligato?

John Ligato is a South Philly native who was involved in the 1968 TET offensive. In 1994, as a deep undercover agent for the FBI he orchestrated the largest public corruption case in U.S. history. He has three Purple Hearts and has been inducted into the Marine Corps Museum.
The 2006 movie 10th and Wolf was loosely based on his life. He is the author of a fictional account of his undercover experiences, Lerza’s Lives. He’s been a pilot who flew missions for the FBI special operations group, hosted a radio talk show for nine years, been a motivational speaker for the US Marine Corps, and has appeared on television series such as A&E’s Runaway Squad, and The American Hero Channel’s documentary series, Against The Odds. John has worked as a deep undercover FBI agent for eight years.
John Ligato has been a college professor for the past eleven years, teaching courses in Homeland Security, Organized Crime, Covert Operations and Constitutional Law
Author Page

An interesting podcast - John Ligato – Mob Guys and Strip Clubs

And what does he say? From the first link

  • Fifteen years ago, I would have suggested a tinfoil hat for anyone who believed in the deep state. But recent events have made me rethink my diagnosis.

  • The current political environment offers convincing evidence that individuals are attempting to do just that. They utilize legal and illegal means in an effort to annul the will of the people.

  • As an investigator, this tells me that Mr. Comey has a political and ideological agenda that affected his judgment and impartiality.

  • If Susan Rice was unmasking Americans, it was not to fulfill an intelligence need based on American interests: It was to fulfill a political desire based on Democratic Party interests.

  • Our media have become part of the deep state. Some are active players, and others are unwitting surrogates based on their ideology

  • As a retired law enforcement officer, I am astonished by the continuing criminal activities by members of the Democratic Party. Examples include: perjury under oath by Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, James Clapper, and Huma Abedin; refusal to answer questions under oath by Lois Lerner, Loretta Lynch, and a significant memory lapse by Cheryl Mills; and obstruction of justice by Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, and several tech guys who destroyed evidence.

  • Robert Mueller's tenure as the FBI director resulted in a significant reduction of the FBI's long-standing independence. A byproduct of this loss was the politicization of the bureau,

  • The leaks of Eric Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and Reality Winner damaged national security. Although Snowden and Manning's leaks occurred during the Obama presidency, there are several dynamics that tie these leaks to the deep state. The trio received top-secret clearances despite plenty of indicators that they were security risks. Why were they granted top secret clearance? FBI agents no longer conduct the background security investigations on contract employees, and the result is shoddy work.

  • There's a misguided concept of patriotism with many of today's youth that contributes to the dark state. Take Snowden, Manning and Winner, who may be the brightest but certainly not the best. They considered leaking to be a patriotic act due to their rigid ideology, which embraces and accepts diversity for all things except thought.

This is but a taste; read the entire article!

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